Freiheit für Frauenrechtlerinnen!; UA-Nr: UA-112/2023 [ASA 11/7509/2023]
Associated documents
- Document ID 2101981 Is updated by
22 January 2024 | Amnesty International (Author)
4 prominent women human rights defenders arbitrarily detained in September and October 2023, respectively, in connection with protests; they have not been granted access to lawyers and the relatives of 2 of them have also been arrested; one of them, Manizha Seddiqi, was is now in Taliban custody; there have been no charges against her
Strafverfolgung von Feministinnen beenden!; UA-Nr: UA-112/2023-1 [ASA 11/7611/2024] (Appeal or News Release, German)
- Document ID 2101981 Translation / language version
7 December 2023 | Amnesty International (Author)
4 prominent women human rights defenders arbitrarily detained in September and October 2023, respectively, in connection with protests; they have not been granted access to lawyers and the relatives of 2 of them have also been arrested
Stop punishing women protesters; First UA: 112/23 [ASA 11/7509/2023] (Appeal or News Release, English)