Anfragebeantwortung zu Sudan: Informationen zur Lage der Volksgruppe Fur in Darfur und in Khartum seit 2020 [a-11472-1]

27. Jänner 2021

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Allgemeine Informationen zur Volksgruppe Fur

Die Fur werden als größte Volksgruppe in Darfur beschrieben, ihr angestammtes Gebiet sei das Jebel Marra-Gebirge und das Land westlich, südwestlich und südöstlich davon (O’Fahey/Tubiana, 2007, pp. 26-27). Sie seien sesshafte Bauern, die vom Getreideanbau während der Regenzeit leben. Eine der langfristigen Folgen des Konflikts in Darfur sei die Veränderung der Landverteilung. Felder, die früher Bauerngemeinschaften der Fur gehört hätten, würden jetzt arabischen Nomaden gehören. Zu jeder langfristigen Konfliktlösung gehöre die Landverteilung als Hauptthema, um Familien zu ermöglichen, Flüchtlingslager zu verlassen und zu ihrem angestammten Beruf als Bauer zurückzukehren (MRGI, Juni 2018). Die Rebellen-Splittergruppe Sudan Liberation Movement-AW (SLM-AW, auch als SLA-AW bezeichnet), die von Abdel Wahid Mohamed al-Nur (für den die Abkürzung AW steht) angeführt wird, bestehe vorwiegend aus Fur (Newsweek, 10. August 2016; Small Arms Survey, Oktober 2014, p. 15).

Berichte über Konfliktvorfälle in Darfur

In den aktuellen Quellen wird bei Berichten über Konflikte selten auf die Ethnizität der beteiligten Akteure Bezug genommen, eine Suche nach Fur brachte daher nur wenige Ergebnisse. Im Folgenden werden daher auch Informationen angegeben, die sich auf die Region Jebel Marra, die SLM-AW oder Konflikte zwischen nomadischen Viehzüchtern und sesshaften Bauern in der Region beziehen.

IOM berichtet im August 2020 über die Vertreibung von Personen durch einen Konflikt zwischen Meseria und Fur in Kas in Süd-Darfur, der am 31. Juli 2020 wegen Landstreitigkeiten ausgebrochen sei. Insgesamt seien geschätzt mehr als 13.000 Personen in die Stadt Kas vertrieben worden. Sie seien aus den umliegenden Dörfern Borunga, Morotoga, Gemiza Lagaro und Molla gekommen. (IOM, 10. August 2020; siehe auch Medienberichte von Radio Dabanga, 3. August 2020 und 6. August 2020)

Der Bericht des Vorsitzenden der Kommission der Afrikanischen Union und des UNO-Generalsekretärs an den UNO-Sicherheitsrat vom März 2020 erwähnt einen starken Anstieg von Angriffen gegen Bauern durch Viehhüter in der laufenden Erntesaison. Unter den am stärksten betroffen Gebieten seien Saraf Omra, Kabkabiyah, Tawilah und Shangil Tobaya in Nord-Darfur, wo Viehhüter der Nord-Rizeigat Vertriebene, Rückkehrer und Bauern der Fur und der Tunjur angegriffen hätten, sowie Kass und Mershing in Süd-Darfur und das Nertiti-Thur-Gebiet in Zentraldarfur, wo der Nawaiba-Zweig der Nord-Rizeigat-Viehhüter weiterhin die binnenvertriebenen Fur schikaniert und ihnen den Zutritt zu ihrem Ackerland verwehrt habe. In Summe habe es während der Erntesaison 2019 102 Vorfälle mit 23 Todesopfern im Zusammenhang mit Landstreitigkeiten gegeben, verglichen mit 60 Vorfällen mit 5 Todesopfern im selben Zeitraum im Jahr 2018. (UN Security Council, 12. März 2020, S. 3-4)

Im vorangegangenen Bericht des Vorsitzenden der Kommission der Afrikanischen Union und des UNO-Generalsekretärs an den UNO-Sicherheitsrat vom Oktober 2019 wurde ebenfalls über ansteigende Vorfälle von Landbesetzung und Spannungen zwischen Bauern und Viehhütern mit Beginn der Regenzeit in Darfur berichtet. Im Gebiet Nertiti in Zentral-Darfur habe es weiterhin Auseinandersetzungen zwischen binnenvertriebenen Bauern, mehrheitlich Fur, und Viehhütern der Nawaiba/Nord-Rizeigat in Bezug auf Zugang zu Land und Belästigung von Frauen gegeben. Auch in Shangil Tobaya in Nord-Darfur habe es ähnliche Zwischenfälle zwischen Viehhütern der Nord-Rizeigat und binnenvertriebenen Bauern, vor allem Fur und Tunjur gegeben. In Summe seien die bewaffneten Angriffe von Viehhütern auf Bauern und die damit verbundenen Opfer 2019 angestiegen. Es habe in Nord-Darfur 73 Vorfälle mit sechs Todesopfern gegeben (gegenüber 64 Vorfällen mit sieben Opfern 2018) und in Zentral-Darfur 71 Angriffe mit 27 Toten (gegenüber 70 Vorfällen mit 21 Toten 2018). (UN Security Council, 15. Oktober 2019, S. 3)

Im jüngsten Bericht des UNO-Generalsekretärs an den UNO-Sicherheitsrat vom Dezember 2020 (Berichtszeitraum 9. September bis 23. November 2020) wird von einer Fortsetzung der Gewalt zwischen den Gemeinschaften in ganz Darfur berichtet. UNAMID (United Nations/ African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur), die Friedenstruppe der Vereinten Nationen und der Afrikanischen Union für Darfur, habe 15 interkommunale Zusammenstöße mit 29 Todesopfern verzeichnet, verglichen mit 15 Zusammenstößen und 126 Todesopfern im Berichtszeitraum Juni bis August 2020. Es habe 57 Vorfälle mit 14 Todesopfern in Bezug auf landbezogene Konflikte gegeben (verglichen mit 85 landbezogenen Konflikten mit 17 Todesopfern im vorherigen Berichtszeitraum). (UN Security Council, 1. Dezember 2020, S. 13)

Der Bericht führt weiters an, dass sich zwar die allgemeine Menschenrechtssituation im Sudan verbessert habe, die Verletzlichkeit der Zivilbevölkerung in Darfur aber ein Problem bleibe. Im September und Oktober habe UNAMID 47 mutmaßliche Menschenrechtsverletzungen und -missbräuche mit 169 Opfern dokumentiert (darunter 19 Frauen und 13 Kinder), verglichen mit 93 Fällen mit 403 Opfern (darunter 40 Frauen und 28 Kinder), die vom 3. Juni bis 8. September 2020 dokumentiert worden seien. Sechs Fälle seien der sudanesischen Polizei gemeldet worden, was zu sieben Verhaftungen geführt habe. Die Untersuchung und Verfolgung der Fälle werde weiterhin durch Kapazitätsprobleme der Strafverfolgungs- und Justizbehörden behindert. (UN Security Council, 1. Dezember 2020, S. 16)

Die allgemeine Sicherheitslage in Darfur sei geprägt von anhaltenden Konflikten zwischen den Gemeinschaften in West-, Süd- und Zentraldarfur, von zeitweiligen Zusammenstößen in der Region Jebel Marra zwischen der SLA-Abdul Wahid und Kräften der Regierung sowie von internen Kämpfen zwischen den Fraktionen der SLA-Abdul Wahid. Eine weitere Ursache für anhaltende ernsthafte Herausforderungen seien zivile Unruhen, die durch die sich verschlechternde wirtschaftliche Situation und die begrenzte Fähigkeit der lokalen Behörden verursacht worden seien, Binnenvertriebene und Bauern, einschließlich Kinder, vor Angriffen zu schützen. (UN Security Council, 1. Dezember 2020, S. 12)

Radio Dabanga berichtete 2020 über mehrere Vorfälle im Gebiet Jebel Marra in Süd-Darfur, darunter Kämpfe zwischen Regierungskräften und Rebellen der SLM-AW und einer anderen Gruppe in Kutrum im Juni (Radio Dabanga, 4. Juni 2020), ein Angriff auf eine Polizeistation sowie die Tötung von vier DorfbewohnerInnen im Oktober (Radio Dabanga, 9. Oktober 2020) und ein Angriff auf das von der SLM-AW kontrollierte Douri im Dezember (Radio Dabanga, 14. Dezember 2020).

Informationen zu Fur in Khartum

Es konnten keine Informationen zur Behandlung von Fur in Khartum gefunden werden. Auch in einer Anfragebeantwortung des European Asylum Support Office (EASO) vom Juni 2020 zu diesem Thema finden sich keine spezifischen Informationen zur Fragestellung. EASO verweist auf den unten angeführten Bericht des UK Home Office, wonach Darfuris ca. zehn Prozent der Bevölkerung Khartums ausmachen und nicht-arabische Darfuris oft in informellen Siedlungen bzw. Elendsvierteln am Rande der Stadt wohnen und sich mit Hilfsarbeiten verdingen, um zu überleben. (EASO, 16. Juni 2020, S. 2)

Für weiter zurückliegende Informationen beachten Sie bitte auch den umfangreichen Bericht zu Darfur von ARC vom Jänner 2020 und den Bericht einer Fact-Finding-Mission des britischen Innenministeriums vom November 2018:

·      ARC – Asylum Research Centre: Sudan: Country Report; Updated Country Report on Darfur, Jänner 2020

·      UK Home Office: Report of a fact-finding mission to Khartoum, Sudan; Conducted between 10 and 17 August 2018, November 2018

Quellen: Zugriff auf alle Quellen am 27. Jänner 2021)

·      ARC – Asylum Research Centre: Sudan: Country Report; Updated Country Report on Darfur, Jänner 2020

·      EASO – European Asylum Support Office: COI Query: Sudan: Non-Arab Darfuris in Khartoum [Q11-2020], 16. Juni 2020

·      IOM – International Organisation for Migration: Displacement Tracking Matrix - DTM Sudan, Emergency Event Tracking: Kass, South Darfur, Update 1: 10. August 2020

·      MRGI - Minority Rights Group International: Sudan: Fur, Juni 2018

·      Newsweek: Who’s Fighting Whom on Sudan’s Three Conflict Fronts, 10. August 2016

·      O’Fahey, R.S./Tubiana, Jérôme: Darfur – Historical and Contemporary Aspects, 2007

·      Radio Dabanga: Rebel group denies attack on Sudan army in Darfur’s Jebel Marra, 4. Juni 2020

·      Radio Dabanga: Gunmen attack South Darfur village, kill RSF officer, 3. August 2020

·      Radio Dabanga: 3,000 displaced by South Darfur attacks, 6. August 2020

·      Radio Dabanga: Darfur: Six dead in Jebel Marra attacks, 9. Oktober 2020

·      Radio Dabanga: SLM-AW accuses Rapid Support Forces of attack in Darfur’s Jebel Marra, 14. Dezember 2020

·      Small Arms Survey: The Sudan Revolutionary Front - Its Formation and Development, Oktober 2014 SRF.pdf

·      UK Home Office: Report of a fact-finding mission to Khartoum, Sudan; Conducted between 10 and 17 August 2018, November 2018

·      UN Security Council: Special report of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission and the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur [S/2019/816], 15. Oktober 2019

·      UN Security Council: Special report of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission and the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur and a follow-on presence [S/2020/202], 12. März 2020

·      UN Security Council: Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Sudan and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan [S/2020/1155], 1. Dezember 2020


Anhang: Quellenbeschreibungen und Informationen aus ausgewählten Quellen

Das Europäische Unterstützungsbüro für Asylfragen (European Asylum Support Office, EASO) ist eine Agentur der Europäischen Union zur Förderung der praktischen Zusammenarbeit der Mitgliedsstaaten im Asylbereich.

·      EASO – European Asylum Support Office: COI Query: Sudan: Non-Arab Darfuris in Khartoum [Q11-2020], 16. Juni 2020

The United Kingdom (UK) Home Office estimates that Darfuris make approximately 10 % of Khartoum’s 10 million population. A report of the Dutch government on the situation in Sudan released in October 2019 indicates that the number of ‘displaced persons’ living in Khartoum is not known. In 2018, the UK Home Office conducted a fact-finding mission in Khartoum and found that non-Arab Darfuris tend to live in ‘shanty towns’ around Khartoum and perform ‘menial jobs’ for survival. Other sources noted in 2018 that ‘[m]ore than 50 per cent of residents [of Khartoum] are living in informal settlements and squatter settlements on the outskirts of the city, or in neighbourhoods that lack basic infrastructure.’ Sources indicated that informal settlements were subjected to forced evictions and demolitions by the al-Bashir government.” (EASO, 16. Juni 2020, S. 2)

·      IOM – International Organisation for Migration: Displacement Tracking Matrix - DTM Sudan, Emergency Event Tracking: Kass, South Darfur, Update 1: 10. August 2020

DTM teams activated EET to monitor the displacement of individuals affected by inter-communal conflict between the Meseria and Fur tribes in Kas locality, South Darfur, which erupted on 31 July 2020 due to disputes over land issues. The first EET update estimates a total of 13,321 individuals (2,422 households) displaced in Kas town, having arrived from the surrounding villages of Borunga, Morotoga, Gemiza Lagaro and Molla. Field reports indicate displacement from Borunga is ongoing, hence displacement figures are expected to rise. At present, the majority of displaced individuals (99%) are gathering in open areas, whilst one per cent are seeking shelter and refuge with host communities. At least 1,516 individuals (11%) report additional vulnerabilities in need of assistance and support.“ (IOM, 10. August 2020)

Die Minority Rights Group International (MRGI) ist eine internationale NGO, die sich für benachteiligte Minderheiten und indigene Völker einsetzt.

·      MRGI - Minority Rights Group International: Sudan: Fur, Juni 2018

Fur are a people of the Darfur region in western Sudan and the former Islamic Sultanate of Darfur. ‘Darfur’ means ‘home of the Fur’ in Arabic. As sedentary farmers, Fur rely mainly on the cultivation of millet during the rainy seasons. They are Muslim and long ago adopted Arab names and, to some extent, dress. Fur communities are matrifocal, so Fur elders are surrounded by daughters and their daughters’ husbands.

[…] One of the long-term effects of the conflict has been to change the pattern of land distribution. Fields formerly held by Fur farming communities are now held by Arab nomads. In any long-term settlement of the dispute, redistribution of land will be a key issue, enabling families to leave refugee camps, and return to their traditional occupations of farming.“ (MRGI, Juni 2018).

·      Newsweek: Who’s Fighting Whom on Sudan’s Three Conflict Fronts, 10. August 2016

Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM)

A rebel group drawing its membership mainly from the three largest non-Arab tribes in Darfur—the Fur, Zaghawa and Masalit—the SLM was, along with the JEM, one of the original opposition movements in the conflict-torn region. The SLM has since split into two ethnic factions: one led by Abdel Wahid Mohamed al-Nur and consisting mainly of Fur, and the other commanded by Minni Arkou Minnawi and composed largely of Zaghawa. The faction led by Minnawi have signed up to the AU [African Union] agreement, according to the Sudan Tribune, while the Wahid faction have not yet committed.” (Newsweek, 10 August 2016)

·      O’Fahey, R.S./Tubiana, Jérôme: Darfur – Historical and Contemporary Aspects, 2007

The Fur are the largest ethnic group in Darfur, numbering some 2 million out of 6 million. Their homeland comprises the mountain range of Jabal Marra and the lands around the mountains to the west, southwest and southeast; their traditions imply a process of systematic expansion away from the mountains, especially towards the southwest. They speak a language seemingly unrelated to any other spoken in Darfur.” (O’Fahey/Tubiana, 2007, pp. 26-27)

Der Sender Radio Dabanga ist ein Projekt des Radio Darfur Network, eines Zusammenschlusses von sudanesischen Journalisten und internationalen Entwicklungsorganisationen, das von Free Press Unlimited in den Niederlanden betrieben wird.

·      Radio Dabanga: Rebel group denies attack on Sudan army in Darfur’s Jebel Marra, 4. Juni 2020

The Sudan Liberation Movement under the leadership of Abdelwahid El Nour (SLM-AW) has contradicted news about an attack on government forces in western Jebel Marra on Tuesday. In a statement on Wednesday, SLM-AW Spokesman Mohamed El Nayer denied that his movement’s combatants launched an attack on army forces in the area of Kutrum. On the contrary, he stated, the areas under control of the SLM-AW, including Saboun El Fagur, Feina and other places, have been subjected to repeated attacks by government forces since the fall of the former regime in April last year. El Nayer stressed that his movement is committed to its unilaterally declared cessation of hostilities, in support of a comprehensive peace and the goals of the December uprising. […]

Radio Dabanga reported yesterday that fighting erupted between government forces and rebels in south-west Jebel Marra in Central Darfur on Wednesday morning. According to the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) groups of rebel fighters belonging to the SLM-AW and the Revolutionary Awakening Council, founded by former janjaweed leader Musa Hilal, launched attacks on their troops in the area of Kutrum. The area north of Nierteti was shelled. Two women were fatally hit. Six children were injured. The SLM-AW refused to join the peace negotiations between the Sudanese government and the country’s armed movements, currently being held in the South Sudanese capital of Juba. El Nur says he will only join peace talks after stability and security have been restored in Darfur.“ (Radio Dabanga, 4. Juni 2020)

·      Radio Dabanga: Darfur: Six dead in Jebel Marra attacks, 9. Oktober 2020

A policeman and a gunman were killed in an attack on a police station in Sharg Jebel Marra in South Darfur on Wednesday. Hasan Adam told Radio Dabanga that he witnessed the attack in Torbu north of El Malam in eastern Jebel Marra. “Four gunmen riding on camels stormed the police station that evening,” he said. A shootout between the attackers and the police led to fatalities on both sides. One policeman was killed, and one gunman killed. Two other policemen and a woman were injured.

[…] In Nierteti in south-west Jebel Marra, two villagers were killed on their farms earlier this week. Two others were shot dead when they were riding by donkey to Nyala.“ (Radio Dabanga, 9. Oktober 2020)

·      Radio Dabanga: SLM-AW accuses Rapid Support Forces of attack in Darfur’s Jebel Marra, 14. Dezember 2020

The Sudan Liberation Movement under the leadership of Abdelwahid El Nur (SLM-AW) accuses the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and forces from an SLM breakaway splinter group led by a man called Zulnoun of launching an attack on Douri in Jebel Marra, an area under the control of the SLM-AW. SLM-AW’s military spokesman Waleed Abakar said in a statement yesterday that the armed rebel movement killed some of the attackers and caused damage to their equipment. Abakar said the attackers rode horses and camels and were dressed in civilian clothing. After the allegedly failed attack they fled to the Gabara area, which is controlled by government forces. He added that the rebel forces had spotted the attack, which was mounted from three directions, before it actually happened.

One of the attackers killed was RSF major Haj Burma Hamdan. According to the rebel movement, this proves that the RSF was involved in the attack. SLM-AW accuses RSF major El Nimeir Jadalah, commander of the Um El Gura area, of ordering the attack and trying to establish control over the area. The SLM-AW statement said that this was the fourth attack on SLM-AW controlled areas since last November. The rebel movement said it ‚declared war against any attacking forces‘.“ (Radio Dabanga, 14. Dezember 2020)

Small Arms Survey ist ein unabhängiges Forschungsprojekt am Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Genf.

·      Small Arms Survey: The Sudan Revolutionary Front - Its Formation and Development, Oktober 2014 SRF.pdf

The Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) announced its existence in February 2003, followed one month later by JEM. Most of their members came from the Fur, Zaghawa, and Masalit groups, who felt that local Arab groups and the Khartoum government were conspiring against them.” (Small Arms Survey, October 2014, p. 10)

“SLA-AW is led by Fur lawyer Abdul Wahid al Nur, a secularist, albeit one without a particularly well-defined political vision. He has lived outside Darfur for many years, initially in Asmara, then Paris and Kampala. In the first years of the Darfur conflict he was very popular among the Fur, and among non-Fur in the IDP and refugee camps. However, this support has declined over the years. […] Most of its fighters are Fur.” (Small Arms Survey, October 2014, p. 15)

·      UN Security Council: Special report of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission and the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur [S/2019/816], 15. Oktober 2019

10. With the onset of the rainy season, and with it the farming season, increased incidents of land occupation and tensions between farmers and pastoralists have been recorded in various parts of Darfur, with pastoralists adopting a more aggressive posture during the current farming season. In the Nertiti area of Central Darfur, disputes between internally displaced farmers, mostly Fur, and the Nawaiba/Northern Rizeigat pastoralists continued over access to farmlands and the harassment of women. In Shangil Tobaya, North Darfur, similar incidents occurred between Northern Rizeigat pastoralists and internally displaced farmers, mainly Fur and Tunjur, while in Kabkabiyah, North Darfur, there were reports of reoccupation of farmlands by pastoralists at the start of the farming season. Overall, the number of armed attacks by pastoralists against farmers and the related fatalities increased in 2019, North Darfur recorded 73 incidents with six victims, compared with 64 incidents with seven victims in 2018, and Central Darfur reported 71 attacks and 27 fatalities, compared with 70 incidents with 21 fatalities during the entire year in 2018.“ (UN Security Council, 15. Oktober 2019, S. 3)

·      UN Security Council: Special report of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission and the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur and a follow-on presence [S/2020/202], 12. März 2020

11. For the period from 15 October 2019 to 31 January 2020, UNAMID recorded a total of five intercommunal clashes resulting in 70 fatalities, compared with 10 intercommunal clashes and 30 fatalities in the period from 15 July to 14 October. The most significant incident took place in West Darfur, when a personal dispute between an Arab and an internally displaced person led to a full-scale assault by armed Arab tribesmen, reinforced by elements of the Rapid Support Forces, against the Krinding camp for internally displaced persons on 29 December. The hospital in El Geneina was also looted, and on 30 and 31 December the Rapid Support Forces and armed Arabs attacked 18 returnee villages south and south-east of El Geneina, and an additional three villages in the vicinity of El Geneina. The total number of casualties as at 3 January was estimated to be 65, in addition to 54 persons injured.

12. There was a sharp increase in attacks against farmers by pastoralists in the current harvest season. In total, 102 land-related incidents, predominantly of crop destruction, resulted in 23 fatalities, compared with 60 incidents and 5 fatalities in the same period in 2018. The areas most affected included Saraf Omra, Kabkabiyah, Tawilah and Shangil Tobaya in North Darfur, where Northern Rizeigat pastoralists have been attacking Fur and Tunjur internally displaced persons, returnees and farmers; Kass and Mershing in South Darfur; and the Nertiti-Thur area in Central Darfur, where the Nawaiba branch of Northern Rizeigat pastoralists continued to harass internally displaced Fur, preventing their access to farmlands.“ (UN Security Council, 12. März 2020, S. 3-4)

·      UN Security Council: Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Sudan and the activities of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in the Sudan [S/2020/1155], 1. Dezember 2020

5. The overall security situation in Darfur was marked by persistent intercommunal conflict in West, South and Central Darfur, intermittent clashes in the Jebel Marra area between SLA-Abdul Wahid and forces of the Government, and infighting between SLA-Abdul Wahid factions. Another source of continued serious challenges was the civil unrest caused by the deteriorating economic situation and limited capacity of local authorities to protect internally displaced persons and farmers, including children, from attacks.” (UN Security Council, 1. Dezember 2020, S. 12)

8. Intercommunal violence continued across Darfur. UNAMID recorded 15 intercommunal clashes with 29 fatalities, compared with 15 intercommunal clashes and 126 fatalities in the previous reporting period, from 1 June to 31 August 2020. Land-related conflicts also persisted, with 57 incidents and 14 fatalities, compared with 85 land-related conflicts with 17 fatalities in the previous period.” (UN Security Council, 1. Dezember 2020, S. 13)

23. While there has been an improvement in the overall human rights situation, the vulnerability of civilians in Darfur remains a concern. In September and October, UNAMID documented 47 alleged human rights violations and abuses involving 169 victims, of whom 19 were women and 13 children, compared with 93 cases involving 403 victims, of whom 40 were women and 28 children, documented from 3 June to 8 September 2020. In total, six cases were reported to the Sudanese police, resulting in seven arrests. The investigation and prosecution of cases continued to be hampered by capacity challenges of law enforcement and judicial authorities.” (UN Security Council, 1. Dezember 2020, S. 16)