Document #1355877
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
The information that follows was provided
by electronic mail from a Prague-based researcher with the
Budapest-based European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC). The ERRC is an
autonomous international non-governmental organization and "its
purpose is to advocate for the transnational, geographically
diverse Romani community and be a legal resource for Romani rights"
(ERRC nd). For more information on the ERRC, please see the
Situation of Roma in the Czech Republic
-- Developments in the first half of 1997.
The Roma in the Czech Republic continue to
be subjected to widespread racially-motivated violence, inflicted
often, but by no means always, by organised racist groups. There is
also an ongoing pattern of racist and inflammatory media coverage
of the so-called 'Romani problem', and Roma continue to experience
discrimination in housing, education, access to benefits, service
in restaurants and pubs, and other areas of public life. A number
of important criminal cases involving violence against Roma have
been brought to trial this year, and have led to convictions for
racist attackers, but the sentences remain excessively light.
It is to be feared that the recent
devastating floods in Moravia and East Bohemia will lead to
scape-goating of the large Romani populations in those areas,
collective violence against alleged looters, and discriminatory
treatment of Roma in allocation of aid. Domestic political will to
deal with any of these problems and abuses is muted by the fact
that populist anti-Roma discourse, used to some extent by all
political parties, and increasingly within the ruling coalition
itself, seems guaranteed to win public support. Meanwhile,
criticism from outside is received with impatience and
A couple of specific and representative
examples in skeleton (more information available about any of
An accidentally-started fire in a high rise
in Kosmonosy led to more than twenty families, all Romani, being
made homeless. The local authorities originally tried to find new
accommodation for the families, but when this attempt ran into
financial difficulties, suddenly labelled them 'problem families',
and none of them have so far been housed.
A fight between Roma and non-Roma in
Domazlice, in which both sides resorted to racist insults, resulted
in convictions only for the Roma. Among other things, the Roma were
found guilty of defamation of nation, race and belief, while the
non-Roma were not.
In a conflict between a skinhead and a
Romani man in a station in East Bohemia, only the Rom has been
charged (and his charges include defamation of race, nation and
belief), despite the fact that he suffered a serious knife
The laws against defamation, which are
quoted by the Czech government as evidence of its seriousness in
fighting racism, were brought into further disrepute when a judge
in East Bohemia brought a not guilty verdict against a group of
non-Roma who forced several Roma off a train, saying it was for
whites only: his justification was that there could be no racism
against Roma because Roma and ethnic Czechs both belong to the
Indo-European race.
A group of eight skinheads were found
guilty of brutal attacks on three young Romani girls in
Karviná. However, their attacks were not seen to be racially
motivated, despite the boys' allegiance to openly racist movements,
and despite the fact that the skinheads uttered racist insults and
threats before the attack; the reasoning was that the skinheads had
kept their mouths shut during the attack, and it could therefore
not be shown that they were acting for racist reasons.
Four skinheads were found guilty of
violence against a group or individual, disorderly conduct, and
coercion for the attack on Tibor Danihel in Písek in
September 1993. The maximum sentence was 31 months (and even that
included time carried over from previous suspended sentences);
neither the sentences, nor the charges, reflect in any way the fact
that the organised violence of the group resulted in Tibor
Danihel's death by drowning, after he was forced into the river and
prevented from getting out. The case, which has now gone through
first- and second-instance courts twice, is now to be the subject
of complaints to the constitutional court.
In May, a group of about twenty to thirty
people attacked Roma and their houses in Klatovy, near the Austrian
border. One man was hospitalised, and the crowd threatened to roast
the Roma's children. The Romani families involved are relatives of
Emil Bendík, the man killed during three days of racist
violence in 1991; one of the attackers this May was the man found
guilty of damage to health leading to death in the Bendík
case. Despite the fact that the prosecutor accepts the Roma's
version of the recent events, including the presence of 20 - 30
attackers, only one person has been charged and the police do not
expect to charge anyone else.
The Mayor of Prague 4, and a Senator for
the ruling ODS, published an article in July in the local paper
complaining that the Prague district of Nusle pays the price for
the communist policy of 'solving the Romani problem by
assimilation', and expressing hopes that owners of buildings in the
area will take inspiration from the fact that one owner has managed
to "move his large problematic families not only outside Nusle but
outside Prague." This kind of segregation policy had already been
discussed at a private meeting of Kladno district ODS at the end of
last year. Prague prosecutors do not consider Klausner's article to
constitute incitement to racial hatred.
Finally, Písek, famous for the death
of Tibor Danihel, has continued to be the site of racist attacks
and of police abuse of Roma. A few examples below:
The four following cases were documented by
the 'Czech Government Council for Nationality's Ad Hoc Working
Group for Romani Nationality Affairs. It published its findings
after the presentation of its report by the Council of
Nationalities on 28-29 April. It requested the President of the
Council for Nationalities, Minister Bratinka, to approach the
Minister of the Interior with the request that its inspectorate
investigate the cases.
Autumn 1993, Písek.
AB, returning home after 10 o'clock in the
evening, was picked up without reason by the police, who drove her
into the woods. There the police left her with the words, "What
does it feel like to shoot a darkie?" Similar practices, as is well
known, were used by the police before November 1989 and are, in the
opinion of the working group, unexceptional even today. A member of
the working group, Václav Trojan, came across a description
of a similar case in Chanov nr. Most in 1992.
April 20, 1996. Písek.
CD was going home at about 7 o'clock in the
evening and, near to his house, a police car stopped by him. Four
police officers jumped out and, without apparent cause, forced him
to lean his forehead against the wall of the house. He was then
forced to lie on the floor in the back of the car and was taken to
the police station. At that time, 8 skinheads were being held
there. After about an hour, and when he asked why he was not being
allowed to go home, the police beat him. He was only released at
about midnight.
23 April 1996, Písek
EF was viciously beaten up by the police in
a park near the Na Zvikovû pub. At about 19.00 a group of
Roma were hanging about in the park when a patrol of five police
arrived. They had been called to restore order in the pub. The Roma
present had nothing to do with the events in the pub, but despite
this the police jumped out of their vehicle saying, "So you're
still not giving us any peace!" [This was taken as a reference to a
conflict between Roma from Písek and a group of skinheads in
a Písek rock club a few days before, 19. 4. 1996.] The
police began without apparent reason to beat GH, brother of EF, and
then they put him in handcuffs. To the verbal protestations of the
Roma the police reacted with insults: "Shut your gobs!" EF was
conscious that he was under suspended sentence, and that he must
therefore do and say nothing. When, however, after the others
present protested there was a risk that the mother of EF and GH
would also be attacked, EF began to ask for the reasons of the
interference and for the identification numbers of the police.
Instead the police dragged EF to the park, where they made him lie
face down on the lawn and beat him viciously with truncheons
(including his head). Then, with the words, "Get up you lazy
whore!" they forced him to stand, put him in handcuffs, hit him
again across the shoulders with truncheons, and he was then taken
to the police station. The doctor's certificate which he asked for
was taken from him (he himself found a doctor the next day and
received a medical certificate of his condition, being declared
incapable of work for several days). He was subsequently accused
of, and later charged with, the crime of attacking a public
official, because he allegedly caused a sprained finger on the hand
of one of the policemen.
7 Jan 1997, Písek
10-year-old IJ went out in the afternoon to
skate with his friends on the river. When he had not returned by
17.30, as agreed, his father KL went to look for him. Romani
parents are constantly afraid for their children, who are often the
subject of attacks. The father discovered from other children that
the police had picked up his son at about 17.00 and taken him to
the police station. The police were investigating thefts from
nearby stalls and brought in the boy without summoning his parents,
and asked for information from him. They drew up a transcribed
statement with him, which they did not give to his parents to look
over. They physically attacked the boy, and released him after
20:00. They later explained their procedure to the father by saying
that the police law allows them to hold even under-age people until
Article twelve of the current police law
sets out the giving of evidence ('vysvûtlení') during
investigation of crimes or misdemeanours, or investigation of
searched-for or missing persons or things, does not set out the age
of the individual from whom the police have a right to request
explanation, nor does it say anything about the time of day or
night when it is possible to make a statement. The request that an
individual come to a police station immediately can be given by a
policeman only if he is investigating a serious crime, which
robbery of stalls is not.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does
not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular
claim to refugee status or asylum.
European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC),
Budapest. 31 July 1997. E-mail sent to the DIRB.
_____. nd. "About the ERRC." [Internet]
[Accessed 1 Aug. 1997]
European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC),
Budapest. nd. "About the ERRC." [Internet] [Accessed 1 Aug.
In a 29 July 1997 telephone interview, a
representative of the Czech Embassy in Ottawa stated that Czech
identity documents, including identity cards and passports, do not
show the ethnicity of the bearer.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does
not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular
claim to refugee status or asylum.
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Ottawa.
29 July 1997. Telephone interview with attaché.