Document #1349645
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
Current information on the Convencion Liberal Democratica-CLD (Democratic Liberal Convention), including its structure, membership cards, treatment of its members by authorities or whether they are involved in violence could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.
A 16 April 2001 report noted that in coalition with the ruling Democratic Party for Equatorial Guinea (PDGE), the CLD has participated in both current and previous governments (Confederacion [ik1]sindical de Commissine Obrebas (CCOO). The same report added that the CLD president Alfonso Nsue Mokuy acts as the Secretary of State for Information (ibid.).
A 23 May 2002 RSF report referred to Alfonso Nsue Mokuy as vice-minister of information while a 31 August 2000 AFP article referred to him as Secretary of State for information and leader of the CLD, [translation] "a moderate opposition party close to the power."
This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.
Agence France Presse (AFP). 31 August
2000. "Un vautour furieux sème la panique dans un batiment
officiel." (NEXIS)
Conferation Sindical de Commisiones
Obreras (CCOO). 16 April 2001. "Communicados-Miembros-ONG's Y
Proyctos: Partidos Politicos Con Implantacion en el Interior de
Guinea Ecuatorial."
[Accessed 19 Aug. 2002]
Reporters sans frontières (RSF).
23 May 2002. "Nette dégradation de la situation de la
liberté de la presse et d'expréssion."
[Accessed 27 August 2002]
Additional Sources Consulted
Africa Confidential [London]
Africa Research Bulletin
[London] 2001-2002.
Country Reports 2001. 2002.
Europa 2000-2002.
IRB Database.
Political Handbook of the World
1999. 1999
Resource Centre country file. Equatorial
Websites, including:
Amnesty International.
Liberal International.