Information on 1) the Policía Judicial; 2) confirmation on deaths of police detectives from same police. [GTM4072]


To have an overview on the Policía Judicial also known as Cuerpo de Detectives (Detective Corps) please refer to the attached excerpts of Guatemala: A Country Study (Nyrop, R.F. American University, U.S. Government Printing Office: 1984, pp.200-203) and The American Connection: State Terror and Popular Resistance in Guatemala (McClintock, M. Zed Books Ltd. London: 1985, pp. 157-160..)

McClintock refers to a 1979-80 "ongoing vendetta between different security chiefs" and adds that "Valiente Téllez was the subject of several assassination attempts after his dismissal, and many of the more than 50 detectives dismissed along with him were killed in "death-squads" attacks." (p.158)

No further corroborating information was found among the sources currently available to the IRBDC.