“Welcome to Kenya”
Police Abuse of Somali Refugees
Key Recommendations
I. Border and Refugee Transit Center
Closures: A Recipe for Police Abuses
Border Closure
Closure of the Liboi Refugee Transit
Possible Opening of a New Refugee
Screening Center in Liboi
II. Police Abuses against Asylum
Seekers near the Dadaab Refugee Camps
Extortion and Violence in the Border
Police Extortion in the Border Areas
near Liboi
Police Violence in the Border Areas near
Unlawful Arrest and Detention of
Asylum Seekers and Abusive and Inhumane Conditions of Detention
The Liboi Police Station
The Dadaab
Police Station
The Garissa Police
Station and Magistrates’ Court
Standards Governing the Detention of
Asylum Seekers
Refoulement of Hundreds of Somali
Asylum Seekers in Early 2010
Prohibition of Refoulement
III. Abuse of Asylum Seekers by
Criminals in the Border Areas
IV. Police Violence against Refugees
in the Dadaab Refugee Camps
Police Violence and Degrading
Treatment in Public and in Refugees’ Homes
Police Violence in
Ifo Camp Police Station
V. Police Failures to Respond to
Sexual Violence in the Dadaab Refugee Camps
Noted Patterns of Sexual Violence
& Consequences for Survivors
Violence against Women without Male
Relatives and Minority Women
Assault of Girls and the Use of Drugs
Cycles of Violence Affecting Women
Who Exchange Sex as a Means of Subsistence
Physical Consequences of Rape Related
to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Stigma, Abandonment, and Violence
Following Rape
Failures to Investigate and Prosecute
Sexual Violence
Investigations Bought and Sold
Collection of Forensic Evidence
Arrest and Release
Consequences of Police Inaction
Police Capacity to Respond to Sexual
Police Capacity to Prevent Sexual
VI. Unlawful Restriction on Refugees’
Free Movement and Abusive Imprisonment of Refugees Convicted of Moving without
Kenya’s De Facto Encampment
Keeping Refugees in “Designated
Special Permission to Move with
“Movement Passes”
Security Agencies Taking Over: The
“Security Vetting Committee”
Arrest of Refugees with Valid
Movement Passes and Intercepting Ambulances
Imprisoning Refugees without Movement
Passes and Abuses in Garissa Prison
Legal Principles
VII. UNHCR’s Role in Monitoring
Violations of the Rights of Asylum Seekers and Refugees
VIII. Comprehensive Recommendations
To the Government of Kenya
To the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
To the African Commission on Human
and Peoples’ Rights Special Rapporteur on Refugees, Asylum Seekers, IDPs,
and Migrants in Africa
To Donor and Resettlement Governments
Providing Support to UNHCR and to Kenya
IX. Acknowledgments