Document #1326816
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
Specific information on the requested
subject matter is currently unavailable to the DIRB in Ottawa,
however, the following information may be of interest.
According to a December 1991 report by
Agence France Presse, Tamil warriors have been blamed for "several
devastating bomb blasts" in Colombo, "including a major car bomb
attack on the main military headquarters that reduced it to a
shambles" (AFP 5 Dec. 1991).
In January 1992 there were reports of LTTE
bombings in Colombo (AFP 30 Jan. 1992), and of confrontations
between Sri Lankan security forces and the LTTE in the northeastern
region between Singhapura and Welikande (Colombo Sri Lanka
Broadcasting 30 Jan. 1992).
Specific information on a round-up of young
Tamils in Colombo in connection with the December 1991 bombing is
currently unavailable to the DIRB, however, the attached Response
to Information Request LKA13607 contains general information on
round-ups of young Tamils in Colombo and other parts of the country
in early 1992. Reports cited in Sri Lanka: Internal Flight
Alternatives, a DIRB document, tell of young Tamils
periodically being rounded up in Colombo. One such operation
followed a car bombing in which "'over 50 bewildered new arrivals
were arrested' and subsequently released, and another 18 Tamils
were arrested" (qtd. in DIRB Dec. 1992, 14).
Additional or corroborating information is
currently unavailable to the DIRB in Ottawa.
Documentation, Information and
Research Branch (DIRB), Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa.
December 1992. Sri Lanka: Internal Flight Alternatives,
Hong Kong AFP [in English]. 30 January
1992. "Bombs Explode in Market; LTTE Suspected." (FBIS-NES-92-021
31 Jan. 1992, p. 72)
. 30 January 1992. "Army Confrontation
with LTTE Detailed." (FBIS-NES-92-021 31 Jan. 1992, p. 72)
. 5 December 1991. "Police Find
Unexploded Car Bomb to Summit." (FBIS-NES-91-234 5 Dec. 1991, pp.
Colombo Sri Lanka Broadcasting
Corporation International Service [in English]. 30 January 1992.
"Army Confrontation with LTTE Detailed." (FBIS-NES-92-021 31 Jan.
1992, p. 72)
Documentation, Information and Research
Branch (DIRB), Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa. 22 March
1993. Response to Information Request LKA13607.
Documentation, Information and Research
Branch (DIRB), Ottawa. December 1992. Sri Lanka: Internal Flight
Alternatives, pp. 14-15.
Hong Kong AFP [in English]. 30 January
1992. "Bombs Explode in Market; LTTE Suspected." (FBIS-NES-92-021
31 Jan. 1992, p. 72)
. 5 December 1991. "Police Find
Unexploded Car Bomb to Summit." (FBIS-NES-91-234 5 Dec. 1991, pp.