Document #1311053
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
In a telephone interview with the IRB, an attaché at the Embassy of the Central African Republic in Washington explained that a person born in the Central African Republic to Chadian parents would have Chadian citizenship, since Central African citizenship is acquired either by birth or by marriage (8 Nov. 1991). The representative stated that the Central African Republic recognizes dual citizenship, especially for former civil servants. Also according to this source, before the country gained independence, Central African civil servants had French citizenship because the Central African Republic was a French colony.
With regard to refugees, the representative noted that the Central African Republic is a country of asylum for many Chadian, as well as Sudanese, refugees. He added that many refugees have returned home but that a large number still remain in the country. These refugees are holders of a UN "laissez-passer"; however, if they want to change their status and become Central African citizens, they only need to submit an application to the Ministry of the Interior. No other information on this subject is currently available to the IRBDC in Ottawa.
Embassy of the Central African Republic
in Washington, United States. 8 November 1991. Telephone interview
with representative.