The College of Accountants in Campeche, and any incidents of harassment or assault of its members (1997-1998) [MEX34303.E]

The Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (IMCP) lists the Colegio de Contadores Publicos de Campeche, A.C., as one of its affiliated institutions, providing the following addresses (IMCP 26 May 2000a):

Calle 63-18


24000 Campeche, Camp.

Ph.: 981 6 29 47

Calle 10 No. 329 Depto 1 Edif.

San Ignacion Col. Centro

24000 Campeche, Camp.

Ph.: 981 1 23 19

The IMCP names Tirso Agustin Rodriguez de la Gala as the head of the Campeche College of Accountants, and Mrs. Miriam Sanchez de Rodriguez as a contact person (ibid.).

The IMCP indicates that its Comité Ejecutivo Centro-Istmo-Peninsular (Centre-Isthmus-Peninsular Executive Committee) is the IMCP link or coordinating body for the Campeche College of Accountants and other accountant colleges of the various states in the same region (ibid. 26 May 2000b). According to the IMCP information, the Campeche College of Accountants has 133 members and 18 affiliated students (ibid.).

The Research Directorate did not attempt to communicate directly with the Campeche College of Accountants.

No references to incidents of harassment or assault committed against members of the College of Accountants of Campeche could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Publicos, A.C., México DF. 26 May 2000. "Organigrama Operacional." [Accessed 6 June 2000]

_____. 26 May 2000b. "Region Centro-Istmo-Peninsular." [Accessed 28 Apr. and 9 June 2000]

Additional Sources Consulted

IRB Databases.

Latin American Regional Reports: Mexico & NAFTA Report [London]. 1997-Mar. 1999.

Latinamerica Press [Lima]. 1997-1998.

Mexico NewsPak [Austin, Tex.]. 1997-1998.


World News Connection (WNC).

Internet sites including:

Amnesty International.

Human Rights Watch.

Internet search engines, including:

El Universal [Mexico City]. 1998.


La Jornada [Mexico City]. 1997-1998.
