Monarchist groups [IRN3774]

Information on monarchist or royalist groups in Iran is limited. The search for information on a group called Mushroute-e Taleb (#1235, #1194) was not successful. However, the following information concerning another monarchist group, Sultenat-Talaban, may be useful. This information should be in the Toronto Documentation Centre, but in the event that it is not in the files, is included here.

In the months following the Iranian Islamic Revolution, more than 500 supporters of the Shah (called monarchists or royalists) were executed. [ Ervand Abrahamian, Radical Islam: The Iranian Mojahedin, (London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd., 1989), p. 68.]

Information available to External Affairs Canada, indicates that the Sultenat-Talaban is the Royalist party which advocates the return of a monarchist form of government to Iran, with the Shah's son as head. [ External Affairs, communiqué of 6 October 1989.] According to External Affairs, the party is not headquartered in Isfahan, and is only based and active abroad. Activities of the group in Iran since 1979 are extremely limited. The Sultenat-Talaban advocates the overthrow of the current government. External Affairs asserts that opposition activities on behalf of the Sultenat-Talaban in Iran and/or one's claim to membership in this group would result in serious repercussions for the individual by the authorities. Although no information on recent activities by the group in Iran is among the sources currently available to the IRBDC, the Shah's son has held meetings and given speeches in London and the U.S.A. during the past year.

Corroborating information concerning the treatment of these or other monarchists in Iran today is not currently available to the IRBDC.