Document #1265764
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
In October 1989, the convictions of the
Guildford Four on terrorist offenses were quashed by the British
Court of Appeal (Time 30 October 1989, 61). The IRBDC is attempting
to obtain copies of the ruling of the Court of Appeal; this will be
forwarded to you as soon as possible.
There is no information currently available
to the IRBDC on whether the Guildford Four were offered any redress
for time served in prison.
Amnesty International. 17 October
1989. "Amnesty International Welcomes the Announcement on the
Guildford Four."
Financial Times. 24 October 1989.
"Review of Birmingham Six Case 'not justified'." (NEXIS)
Time. 30 October 1989, Vol. 134,
No. 18. "The 'Guildford Four' Go Free."
Washington Post. 11 August 1990,
Final Edition. "British Courts Under Fire; IRA Convictions Seen as
'Miscarriages of Justice'." (NEXIS)