a-7674 (ACC-GMB-7674)

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1) Informationen zum Fall Baba Jobe
Faroyaa Online berichtet im April 2008, dass Baba Jobe, ein inhaftierter Politiker der Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction (APRC) und ehemaliger Parteiführer der Mehrheitsfraktion der Nationalversammlung, am 7. April 2008 am Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital gesehen worden sei. Jobe habe eine Häftlingsuniform getragen. Jobe sei in einen Gefängniswagen gestiegen, der in die Mile Two Central Prisons gefahren worden sei. Baba Jobe würde eine neunjährige Haftstrafe wegen Wirtschaftsverbrechen absitzen:
“Mr. Baba Jobe, the jailed APRC bigwig and former majority leader at The National Assembly, was on Monday, 7 April, seen in the company of a dozen inmates at the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH in Banjul, amidst heavy escort by prison officers and two armed soldiers in full combat gears. […] Mr. Jobe, who was wearing a white glass, wore short trousers and vest (prisoner’s uniform) and was seen smiling. Mr Jobe and his colleagues later boarded a numberless prison staff truck which was driven towards Mile Two Central Prisons. Baba Jobe, a former Political bigwig, is currently serving a nine year jail term for economic crimes. ” (Foroyaa Online, 23. April 2008)
Gambia News berichtet im Mai 2008, dass Baba Jobe, Amadou Samba und sieben weitere Personen in ein Zivilverfahren verwickelt seien, das von dem Unternehmen Total Fina Elf Gambia Limited angestrengt worden sei:
“The civil suit involving Baba Jobe, Amadou Samba and seven others, is expected to resume today at the Banjul High Court before Justice Ota. Baba Jobe, Amadou Samba, Salifu M. Jallow, LLoyn Burroughs, Tarik Musa, Muhammed Bazzi, Lynn C. Willson, Phillip Thompsett and Salifu A. Jallow, are currently involved in a civil suit brought against them by Total Fina Elf Gambia Limited.” (Gambia News, 27. Mai 2008)
Laut einem Artikel der Zeitung Freedom Newspaper zum Drogenhandel vom Juni 2010 würde Jobe eine neunjährige Haftstrafe in Zusammenhang mit Wirtschaftsverbrechen absitzen:
“Mr. Jobe, who is serving nine years jail term on economic crimes related charges, was alleged to have been tasked with the distribution of the cocaine prior to his arrest, and subsequent imprisonment by the state.” (Freedom Newspaper, 23. Juni 2010)
In einer im Dezember 2009 aktualisierten Liste des Ausschusses des Sicherheitsrats nach Resolution 1521 (2003) betreffend Liberia der Vereinten Nationen (UNSC) findet sich folgende Information: Baba Jobe sei der ehemalige Direktor der Gambia New Millenium Air Company und ein ehemaliger Abgeordneter des Parlaments von Gambia. Jobe sei ein Waffenschmuggler und befinde sich in Gambia in Haft:
“Jobe, Baba […] Former Director of the Gambia New Millenium Air Company. Former member of Parliament of the Gambia. S/2001/1015, para. 287. Arms trafficker in contravention of UNSC resolution 1343. Supported former President Taylor’s regime in effort to destabilize Sierra Leone and gain illicit access to diamonds. In prison in the Gambia.” (UNSC, 16. Dezember 2009)
Freedom Newspaper berichtet im Jänner 2011, dass Baba K. Jobe gemeinsam mit seinem Halbbruder Soma Jobe und dem inhaftierten ehemaligen Polizeichef Essa Badjie in die Büros der National Drug Enforcement Agency (NDEA) in Kanifing eingeladen worden seien. Baba Jobe habe bei dem NDEA-Treffen eine lange Rede gehalten und behauptet, sein „angespanntes Verhältnis“ zu Jammeh sei durch gewisse Parteibeamte verursacht worden. Er stehe dem Establishment weiterhin loyal gegenüber. Im Artikel wird des Weiteren eine mögliche Freilassung Baba Jobes erwähnt:
“As elections are getting closer, Gambia’s unstable iron fist despot Yahya Jammeh, has started reviving his party, as he embarked on a so called reconciliation with former party bigwigs—notably the former jailed Majority Leader Baba K Jobe, his brother Momodou Soma Jobe, and also the detained former police chief Essa Badjie. Both Baba Jobe, and his half brother Momodou Soma were invited at the National Drug Enforcement Agency (NDEA) offices in Kanifing on Thursday, the Freedom Newspaper can report. […]
Baba spoke at length at the NDEA meeting, where he claimed that his ‘strained relationship’ with Jammeh was caused by some party officials. He is still loyal to the establishment, per the information obtained from the NDEA meeting. Mr. Jobe’s brother Momodou Soma also told the NDEA that he was willing to work with the administration. […] Baba Jobe, and Essa Badjie were escorted from their prison cells on Thursday to the NDEA new offices in Kanifing. The NDEA meeting was premised on two folds: One, Baba Jobe’s possible release, and Essa Badjie being used as a witness to incriminate Interior Minister Ousman Sonko in a pending criminal investigations allegedly involving the Minister.” (Freedom Newspaper, 15. Jänner 2011)
2) Informationen zur Behandlung von Familienmitgliedern und Weggefährten Baba Jobes
Laut einem Artikel der Zeitung Freedom Newspaper über Drogenhandel vom Juni 2010 hätten alle nahen Freunde Baba Jobes nach dessen Verhaftung ihre Arbeit verloren und seien inhaftiert worden. Einige weitere seien gezwungen worden, ins Exil zu gehen. Der ehemalige Parlamentsabgeordnete Demba Dem sei wegen seiner engen Verbindungen zu Jobe zum Ziel „staatlicher Verfolgung“ geworden. Er sei inhaftiert, gefoltert und des Verrats angeklagt worden. Foday Lang Sarr und Ma Hawa Cham, beide ehemalige Parlamentsabgeordnete der APRC seien aus der APRC ausgeschlossen worden, da sie Baba Jobe loyal gegenüber gestanden seien:
“The source said Suku Singhatey, a Parliamentarian, was allegedly tasked with the distribution of the drugs overseas. […]
As soon as Baba Jobe was jailed, Singhatey cutoff ties with Jobe’s family. He could be described as a survivor, as all the close friends of Baba had been fired, jailed, and some forced into exile. One of them is former MP Demba Dem, who was implicated in the March coup attempt led by Ndure Cham. Mr. Dem became a target for state persecution because of his close ties with Jobe. The state thought that he knew a lot about the President. He was jailed, tortured, and charged with treason. Foday Lang Sarr, and Ma Hawa Cham both former APRC MPS were let go by the APRC. The President believed that it was unsafe to keep the two in his Government since they were loyalists of Baba Jobe.” (Freedom Newspaper, 23. Juni 2010)
Senegambia News berichtet im November 2008, dass Beamte der Police Intervention Unit (PIU) Berichten zufolge auf Anordnung Präsident Jammehs Vieh des inhaftierten Vorsitzenden der APRC, Baba K. Jobe, beschlagnahmt hätten. Die Beamten der PIU hätten das Haus von Jobe versiegelt und die Verwandten Jobes davor gewarnt, in das Haus einzutreten. Mitglieder der Familie Jobes hätten die Maßnahme als „Plünderung“ bezeichnet. Die Familie habe Zweifel geäußert, dass Baba Jobe das staatliche Gefängnis „Mile 2“ sicher verlassen könne:
“Reports from Jarra Karantaba, home to the jailed majority leader of the ruling APRC, Baba K. Jobe, say President Yahay Jammeh has sent officers of the Police Intervention Unit (PIU) to collect all the cattle belonging to the jailed parliamentarian and transfer them to Kanaila, president Jammeh's birth place. […] Sources further said, Mr. Jobe's house in Karantaba has been sealed by the PIU and warned his relatives agaisnt any attempts to open it. Family sources described this latest act by president Jammeh as "looting". "With this act by Jammeh and his government, the family said they have lost all hopes about their beloved one and expressed doubts that Baba will safely leave the State Central Prison at Mile 2", our source added.” (Senegambia News, 13. November 2008)
Quellen: (Zugriff auf alle Quellen am 10. August 2011)
1) Informationen zum Fall Baba Jobe
·      Foroyaa Online: Baba Jobe Seen At RVTH, 23. April 2008
·      Freedom Newspaper: Baba Jobe, And Momodou Soma Jobe Invited At The NDEA To Reconcile With Yahya Jammeh!, 15. Jänner 2011
·      Freedom Newspaper: “MP Suku Singhatey Allegedly Receives D8 Million Cocaine Money On Behalf Of Baba K Jobe,” State House Sources Claimed, 23. Juni 2010
·      Gambia News: Baba Jobe, Amadou Samba, Seven Others Case Resumes Today, 27. Mai 2008 (veröffentlicht auf Gambianow.com)
·      UNSC – UN Security Council: Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) concerning Liberia; The Assets Freeze List; Last updated on 16 December 2009, 16. Dezember 2009
2) Informationen zur Behandlung von Familienmitgliedern und Weggefährten Baba Jobes
·      Freedom Newspaper: “MP Suku Singhatey Allegedly Receives D8 Million Cocaine Money On Behalf Of Baba K Jobe,” State House Sources Claimed, 23. Juni 2010
·      Senegambia News: In Brief: President Jammeh seizes Baba Jobe's cattle, 13. November 2008