Information on the treatment by authorities of Tamils who return to Sri Lanka, and particularly Colombo, after a failed asylum request [LKA25393.E]

Information on the above-mentioned topic could not be found among the sources consulted by the DIRB. However, please see the attached documents which describe in general the situation for Tamils in Colombo and other parts of Sri Lanka.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


La Lettre Hebdomadaire de la FIDH [Paris]. January 1996. No. 214. Anne Christine Habbard et al. "La Situation des droits de l'Homme: Sri Lanka," pp. 13-14.

Sri Lanka Information Monitor Situation Report [Colombo]. August 1996. "Arrests of Tamils in the South," p. 9.

_____. August 1996. "Political Violence," pp. 9-12.

_____. July 1996. "The Situation of Tamils in the South," p. 9.

_____. March 1996. "Security Operations in the South," pp. 4-6.

_____. February 1996. "Situation of Tamils in the South," pp. 7-8.

_____. November 1995. "The Impact of the War in the South," pp. 7-8.

_____. October 1995. "Situation of Tamils in the South," p. 7.

_____. September 1995. "Arrests of Tamils in the South," p. 9.

The Sri Lanka Monitor [London]. April 1996. "Unidentified Persons: Abductions Continue in Colombo," p. 4.

_____. March 1996. "Closing Down Colombo: Tamil Arrests in the Capital Mount," p. 4.

_____. February 1996. "Colombo Jailers Attack Tamil Prisoners: Fears for Those Detained in the Capital," p. 4.

The Sri Lanka Project Briefing [London]. October 1995. "Colombo's Killer Squads: Civil War in Sri Lanka and the Position of Tamils in the South," pp. 1-4.

Tamil Times [Sutton, UK]. 15 September 1996. S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole. "Being a Tamil in Colombo," pp. 11-12.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Ottawa. 18 September 1996. "Information Update on Sri Lanka: Harassment and Detention of Jaffna Tamils in Colombo." Letter to the DIRB, Ottawa.