Information on protests in Lagos on 6 July 1993 following the cancellation of the 12 June elections [NGA16908.E]

Several reports indicate that demonstrations to protest the cancellation of the 12 June 1993 elections began before 6 July and continued till November 1993. For detailed information on these protests, please refer to the attached documents.

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Agence France Presse. 19 September 1993. "Nigerian Police Break Up Demonstration, Arrest 14 Civil Rights Activists." (NEXIS)

. 19 November 1993. "Nigerian Pro-democracy Protestors Arrested." (NEXIS)

BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. 21 September 1993. "Human Rights Group Says 14 Pro-Abiola Demonstrators Arrested in Lagos." (NEXIS)

Le Devoir [Montreal]. 7 July 1993. "La contestation du régime militaire tourne au drame." (NEXIS)

Libération [Paris]. 7 July 1993. "Manifestations sanglantes au Nigeria." (NEXIS)

Le Monde [Paris]. 22 November 1993. "Nigeria protestations et fatalisme après le retour au pouvoir des militaires." (NEXIS)

La Presse [Paris]. 6 July 1993. "Lagos est paralysée par des manifs anti-régime." (NEXIS)

. 10 July 1993. "Bilan de la semaine de protestation au Nigéria: 75 morts, 200 blessés." (NEXIS)

Reuters. 30 July 1993. "Nigerian Pro-Democracy Urges Fresh Protests." (NEXIS)

The Times. 6 July 1993. "Lagos Explodes in Violent Protest Over Election Veto." (NEXIS)

West Africa [London]. 18 July 1993. "Disturbances in Lagos." (NEXIS)

Xinhua General News Service. 12 July 1993. "Nigerian Police Arrest 40 Riot Suspects in Edo State." (NEXIS)