Information on the actions taken by the government to curtail the drug trade and recent statistics concerning police charged with drug trafficking [GUY22495.E]

For information on the measures taken by the Guyanese government to curtail drug trafficking, please consult the attached documents. No statistics on police charged with drug trafficking could be found among the sources consulted by the DIRB.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Agence France Presse (AFP) [Paris, in Spanish]. 5 April 1994. "Roundup of President Jagan's Visit to Colombia". (FBIS-LAT-94-068 8 Apr. 1994, pp. 44-45)

CANA [Bridgetown, in English]. 17 March 1995. "Jagan: 'Firm Stand' Planned Against Escalating Drug Trade". (FBIS-LAT-95-054 21 Mar. 1995, p. 43)

_____. 10 July 1993. "Chief Magistrate Cites Death Threats While Presiding Over Drug Case". (FBIS-LAT-93-131 12 Jul. 1993, p. 57)

_____. 8 June 1993. "Police Recover Cocaine Dropped From Plane". (FBIS-LAT-93-109 9 Jun. 1993, p. 72)

_____. 8 December 1992. "Cocaine Fines Stimulate State Security Measures". (FBIS-LAT-92-237 9 Dec. 1992, p. 58)

_____. 21 April 1992. "Drug Cooperation Plan With Venezuela Announced". (FBIS-LAT-92-078 22 Apr. 1992, p. 40)

_____. 18 July 1991. "Drug Cooperation Agreement Signed With UK". (FBIS-LAT-91-139 19 Jul. 1991, pp. 42-43)

DPA [Hamburg, in Spanish]. 5 April 1994. "Roundup of President Jagan's Visit to Colombia". (FBIS-LAT-94-068 8 Apr. 1994, p. 44)

EFE [Madrid, in Spanish]. 5 April 1994. "Roundup of President Jagan's Visit to Colombia". (FBIS-LAT-94-068 8 Apr. 1994, p. 44)

El Tiempo [Santa Fe de Bogota, in Spanish]. 6 April 1994. "Discusses Drug Trafficking". (FBIS-LAT-94-070 12 Apr. 1994, p. 54)

Inter Press Service (IPS). 29 November 1994. "Guyana-Women: Uproar Over Strip Searches at Airport."

_____. 31 August 1993. "Guyana: State's Arms Buildup Plan Makes Opposition Nervous."

Radio Suriname International [Paramaribo, in English]. 30 August 1991. "Antidrug Border patrols With Guyana Sought". (FBIS-LAT-91-170 3 Sept. 1991, pp. 42-43)

Additional Sources Consulted

Drug Trafficking Update [Lima]. 1989-1995.

Latinamerica Press [Lima]. 1990-1995.

Oral sources.