Document #1241917
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
Galcayo is the capital of Mudug region and
is located about 600 kms from Mogadishu. It is "is one of Somalia's
most ethnically-sensitive areas" where Hussein Aydeed's Habr Gedir
militarily oppose the Majertein of Colonel Abdullahi Yussuf
(Horn of Africa Bulletin Sept-Oct. 1997, 22). Although the
two clans reportedly signed a ceasefire agreement to end the
fighting in October 1997, the Office of the United Nations
Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator for Somalia states that
faction fighting was reported in Galcayo in the same month (Jan.
1998). Agence France Presse (AFP) corroborates the information on
the fighting in Galcayo and adds that it left about five dead and
eleven others injured but the causes of the fighting were unknown
(17 Oct. 1997).
Africa Confidential of 17 April
1998 indicates that there were killings in Mogadishu and Galcayo
during fighting between militias of the Habr Gedir subclans, the
Saad and the Salabaan "over Hobyo's lucrative lobster exports."
Recently, Galcayo was the scene of a hijack of a small Caesna
plane, which was carrying "the narcotic khat plant." (AFP 28 Apr.
1998; The Horn of Africa Bulletin May-June 1998, 21).
The United Nations Coordination Unit (UNCU)
for Somalia reported in April 1998 that the situation in Galcayo
"remained quiet" (6 Apr. 1998). The most recent UNCU report carries
no mention of Galcayo (ibid., 20 July 1998).
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is
not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any
particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the
list of sources consulted in researching this Information
Africa Confidential [London].
17 April 1998. Vol. 39. No. 8. "Somalia: Fighting Over the
Agence France Presse (AFP). 28 April
1998. "Drug Plane Hijacked in Somalia, Crash Lands on Road."
_____. 17 October 1997. "Up to Five
Killed, 11 Wounded, in Clan Fighting in Somalia." (NEXIS)
The Horn of Africa Bulletin
[Uppsala]. May-June 1998. Vol. 10. No. 3. "Plane Abducted in
_____. September - October 1997. Vol. 9.
No. 5. "Peace Agreement Signed in Mudug Region."
United Nations. January 1998. From
Relief to Development in Somalia: Situation Report for the Period 1
September - 31 October 1997. Nairobi: Office of the United
Nations Humanitarian and Resident Coordinator for Somalia.
United Nations Coordination Unit for
Somalia (UNCU). 20 July 1998. "Humanitarian Update." [Internet] [Accessed 22 July
_____. "Humanitarian Update: Rats
Threaten Harvest in Southern Somalia." 20 July 1998. [Internet] [Accessed 22 July
Additional Sources Consulted
Africa Confidential [London].
January - December 1997. Vol. 38. Nos. 1-25.
Africa Research Bulletin: Political,
Social and Cultural Series [Cambridge]. January - June 1998.
Vol.35. Nos. 1-5.
_____. January - December 1997. Vol. 34.
Nos. 1-11.
Danish Immigration Service. Copenhagen.
May 1997.Report on the Nordic Fact-Finding Mission to Central
and Southern Somalia 15 February - 14 March 1997.
Indexed Media Review [Ottawa]. Weekly.
January - May 1998. Vol. 15. Nos. 1-21.
Electronic sources: IRB Databases,
LEXIS/NEXIS, Internet, World News Connection (WNC).
Two oral sources consulted did not
provide information on the requested subject.