Urgent Action 313/06 [MDE 31/013/2006]

Associated documents

  • Document ID 1237031 Related / Associated
  • 5 foreign nationals studying in the country arrested on 15 October 2006, allegedly in connection with "attempts to smuggle arms to Somalia"; they are detained without charge or trial and without access to their families; they may be at risk of torture and ill-treatment

    Urgent Action 313/06 [MDE 31/013/2006] (Appeal or News Release, German)

    • Document ID 1237031 Related / Associated
    • 5 foreign nationals studying in the country arrested on 15 October 2006, allegedly in connection with "attempts to smuggle arms to Somalia"; they are detained without charge or trial and without access to their families; they may be at risk of torture and ill-treatment

      Urgent Action 313/06 [MDE 31/013/2006] (Appeal or News Release, English)