Document #1200934
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
Soon after the events of 4 June 1989, a
Chinese student in Japan indicated that diplomats from the Chinese
embassy in Tokyo had taken pictures of Chinese demonstrators in
front of the Chinese embassy. [Larry Thorson, «Beijing Crisis
Sparks Fear Among Chinese Students Around the World», The
Associated Press, 15 June 1989, AM Cycle.] The diplomats,
however, refuted that they had harassed Chinese students in Japan.
[British Broadcasting Corporation, «Further International
Reaction to Events in China», Summary of World
Broadcasts, 15 June 1989, FE/0483/i.] In mid-June 1989, an
employee from the Chinese embassy in Tokyo defected to the United
States of America. [«Chinese Embassy Employee in Tokyo Seeks
Asylum in U.S.», Reuters, 15 June 1989, PM Cycle.] The
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) reports that
four demonstrations took place in Tokyo in May and June 1989.
[Letter sent by the Documentation Centre on Refugees (DCR) of UNHCR
in Geneva, dated 6 October 1989.] During a meeting between the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the People's Republic of
China on 9 August 1989, Chinese students demonstrated in the
streets of Tokyo. ["Chinese Students Protest Ministerial Meeting",
Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 9 August 1989.]
Japan's refugee policies, moreover, are
reported to be quite restrictive. [Kazuo Ito, Present Status and
Problems of Refugee Status Recognition System (Tokyo: Japan
Legal Aid Association, June 1989)] Japan introduced a new screening
mechanism on 13 September 1989. ["Briefing on the Introduction of a
Screening Mechanism for Boat People by Mr. Toshio Tsunozaki,
director of the Human Rights and Refugee Division, United Nations
Bureau", 11 September 1989.] Although the new mechanism mainly
concerns Vietnamese boat people and Chinese citizens coming
illegally by boat to Japan, at least one observer has alleged that
Japanese refugee policy appears to be based on nationality
(favouring the Indochinese) rather than political opinions.
[Briefing by Mr. Tsunozaki: 2.] The Japanese Ministry of Justice
has stated that most Chinese coming to Japan appear to be economic
migrants [Briefing by Mr. Tsunozaki: 3.], and Japanese officials
"hope" that the treatment of Chinese citizens deported from Japan
will not be "too harsh". [Briefing by Mr. Tsunozaki: 2, 3, 5.] More
recently, Japan deported a Chinese citizen who had hijacked a plane
to Tokyo. [Louise do Rosario, «Sino-Japan Relations Remain
Far From Normal: Ties on Hold», Far Eastern Economic
Review, 10 May 1990, p.16-17.]
No information specific to the treatment of
Chinese students returned from Japan is currently available to the
IRBDC in Ottawa. For information on the general repression that
took place after the June 1989 rebellion in China, please refer to
the response given to Information Request CHN5255 sent to Toronto
and dated 23 April 1990.