Iran - Further Information on UA 236/03

Associated documents

  • Document ID 1186449 Related / Associated
  • Member of the Komala party at imminent risk of execution after the death sentence against him was reportedly upheld by the five judges of Branch 32 of the Supreme Court; he was arrested after an unfair trial and also allegedly tortured during his detention

    UA 236/03-1 vom 24.8.2004 mit weiteren Informationen zur ua vom 8.8.2003 (Appeal or News Release, German)

    • Document ID 1186449 Related / Associated
    • Member of the Komala party at imminent risk of execution after the death sentence against him was reportedly upheld by the five judges of Branch 32 of the Supreme Court; he was arrested after an unfair trial and also allegedly tortured during his detention

      Iran - Further Information on UA 236/03 (Appeal or News Release, English)