Document #1164733
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
1) According to one source, the 60-member
Salvadorean National Assembly approved on 27 october 1987, in
compliance with the Esquipulas Agreement for peace in Central
America, an amnesty that went into effect on 5 November 1987
pardoning "any crime committed by anyone for the motive, occasion,
or as a consequence of the armed conflict". [ Keesing's Record
of World Events, (London, Longman Publishing Group), May 1988,
p. 35891.] The same source provides more detail stating the
following: [Ibid.]
"The law applied to leftist guerrillas,
members of the military accused of massacres and rightist death
squads. At the insistence of the Roman Catholic Church it
specifically excluded those responsible for the 1980 killing of
Archbishop Romero. The amnesty also excluded those involved in drug
trafficking, extortion and crimes committed since October 22, 1987.
Leftist rebels who wished to avail themselves of the amnesty had to
present themselves to the authorities within 15 days of the date on
which the amnesty went into effect."
In late November 1987, President Duarte
threatened with withdrawing the amnesty if the rebels did not cease
their armed struggle, [ Latin America Weekly Report,
(London, Latin America Newsletters), 3 December 1987, p. 2.] and by
early December of that year Duarte insisted that the rebels should
accept the amnesty before accepting to engage in peace talks with
them. [ Latin America Weekly Report, 10 December 1987, p.
3.] By mid-December the ceasefires declared by both sides of the
conflict had reportedly collapsed and talks were stalled, although
by January 1988 approximately 450 people had been released under
the amnesty. [ Latin America Weekly Report: 24 December
1987, p. 9; 21 January 1988, p. 12; Keesing's Record of World
Events, June 1988, p. 35956.] For additional details on the
results of the referred amnesty, please find attached a copy of
Keesing's Record of World Events, (London, Longman
Publishing Group), June 1988, p. 35956.
Additional articles corroborating the
details contained in the attachment are not available at this time
to the IRBDC.
2) According to information from The
Civilian Toll, (Washington: Americas Watch, August 1987), pp.
108-111, and Conscientious Objection to Military Service,
(United Nations, 1985), p. 23, El Salvador has a compulsory
military service, with no provisions for conscientious objection.
Conscientious Objection to Military Service, p. 31, states
Salvadorean law allows exemptions to military service based on
family or health reasons; page 28 indicates that objectors may be
imprisoned and treated as deserters. According to The Civilian
Toll and a New York Times article ("Salvador Army fills
ranks by force", 21 April 1989, p. A3), forced recruitment is
practised, reportedly most frequently among lower-income men of
draft age (18-30 years) or younger, although omission from military
service reportedly can be bought. Both sources report a draft
system in which no prior notice is given to the conscripts; rather,
young men are rounded up when leaving movie theatres or while
riding on buses, etc. According to The Civilian Toll, pp.
108-111, military commanders claim this system reduces the
possibility of infiltration by guerrilla members or