Information on the situation of Gadabursi clan members in Gebileh in, north west of Somaliland [SOM17272.E]

The Gadabursi traditionally occupy the territory to the west of Hargeisa around the town of Borama (Leatherbee and Bricker Jan. 1994, 28). The Somali Democratic Association (SDA) largely represents the interests of the Gadabursi, and is opposed to the secession of Somaliland from the rest of Somalia (ibid., 29). According to Ethnic and Political Movements in Ethiopia and Somalia,
the Gadabursi number an estimated 300,000, making up about 8% of the northern population. They are ideally situated to a play a role out of the proportion to their strength, being centred around Borama to the sea, and west well in to Ethiopia ... The largest sub clan is the Madahasi which neighbours the Jibril Abokr (Saad Musa/Habr Awal/Issaq) near Gebiley. The Madahasi have a reputation of being relatively conservative. The second main sub clan is the Makahil, more significant politically with such sub clans as the Jibril Yunis around Borama and Lafayisa; the Rer Ugas, mostly in Ethiopia around Aw Bare (also called Teferi and West; and the Rer Yunis centred on Dilla but also across the border around Aw Bare (inside Somaliland, they also neighbour the Jibril Abokr and have poor relations with them. The third sub clan is the Arfan which lives north west of Borama and is the least regarded of the three ... The Third political grouping among the Gadabursi is essentially Makahil, and now no longer lays claim to the SDA name ... Their relationship with the SNM (Somali National Movement) can probably be desribed as "'non-participatory'" (Gilkes July 1992, 49).

A Somali professor in the Department of African Studies at the University of Florida in Gainsville and a Somali former director of Higher education, now resident ottawa agreed that the Gadabursi like the Dulbahante are divided in terms of their support for the government of Somaliland (4 May 1994; and 6 Apr. 1994). The majority of the Gadabursi reportedly do not support the government, but it is important to note that the vice-president is Gadabursi, the speaker is Dulbahante and the president is Isaaq. These sources further stated that the government has not extended its administration to Gadabursi territory (ibid.). This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Gilkes, Patrick. July 1992. "Ethnic and Political Movement in Ethiopia and Somalia." London: UK.

Leatherbee, L. and Bricker, D. January 1994. Balancing Consensus and Dissent: The Prospects for Human Rights and Democracy in the Horn of Africa. New York: The Fund for Peace.

Somali former director fo higher education in Somalia, Ottawa. 4 May 1994. Telephone interview.

Somali professor of African studies, University of Florida, Gainsville. 6 April 1994. Telephone interview.