Information on human rights abuses committed against employees of the Rights and Guarantees Commission of Mendoza in 1993 [ARG21452.E]

The information that follows was provided in a 6 September 1995 facsimile sent to the DIRB by Dr. Alberto Montbrun, Senator of Mendoza for the Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) party and former president of the Rights and Guarantees Commission (Comisión de Derechos y Garantías) of the Senate of Mendoza in response to the above question.

The Legislative Assembly of Mendoza has two chambers: the Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) and the Chamber of Senators (Cámara de Senadores). Each has its own Rights and Guarantees Commission (Comisión de Derechos y Garantías), which work independent of each other. The information on the above subject readily available to the DIRB refers to the Senate Commission.

There are no reports from 1993 of persons linked to the Commission suffering any aggressions or abuses. Dr. Montbrun received some threats and faced some problems as a result of certain accusations or complaints (denuncias), but he considers that, in local parlance, these were "part of the job" (gajes del oficio).

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Montbrun, Alberto, Senator of Mendoza. 6 September 1995. Fax received by the DIRB.