The production, availability and use of fraudulent police reports and other official documents; methods for verifying the authenticity of these types of documents (Dec. 2001-May 2005) [PER100153.FE]

According to El Comercio, a daily Lima newspaper, certain organized crime groups operate people trafficking networks from Peru, partly because of the availability of good quality, false documents (visas, passports and others) (16 May 2005).

Each of these groups apparently has [translation] "its own fraud team and advanced printing and falsification techniques" (El Comercio 16 May 2005).

El Comercio also indicated that various types of false documents can be obtained in Lima's Azángaro district: banknotes, credit cards and notarized public documents (8 Apr. 2005).

Another El Comercio article explained that Azángaro [translation] "is still the hub for falsifying documents" and that this kind of activity has spread to the surrounding areas (30 May 2005b).

During an 8 June 2005 telephone interview, the consul at the Embassy of Peru in Ottawa said that there is no market for false police documents as such. In his opinion, these documents [translation] "are easier to identify because they have legal consequences (during the process, we can see that the documents are false)" (Embassy of Peru 8 June 2005). The consul also said that the Azángaro district is a place where one can acquire all kinds of falsified documents, such as driver's licences, birth or baptismal certificates, and diplomas (ibid.).

The Augusta Chronicle described Azángaro as "an infamous alley of shops behind the Justice Palace offering an array of bogus paperwork" (20 Apr. 2004). The same source also indicated that various university diplomas and Peruvian, US or European Union international driver's licenses can be purchased there (The Augusta Chronicle 20 Apr. 2004). In Lima, 60,000 people are reported to possess a false driver's license (El Comercio 30 May 2005a).

No information on the current methods for verifying the authenticity of fraudulent or falsified documents could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


The Augusta Chronicle [Georgia, US]. 20 April 2004. "Pirated 'Passion' Film Puts Bogus Goods in the Spotlight." (Dialog)

El Comercio [Lima]. 30 May 2005a. "Más de Sesenta Mil Licencias de Conducir Falsificadas Habría en Lima." [Accessed 6 June 2005]

_____. 30 May 2005b. "En Dos Horas Falsifican Placas, Brevetes y SOAT." [Accessed 6 June 2005]

_____. 16 May 2005. Orazio Potestá. "Perú es el Paraíso de Veinte Mafias que Trafican con Inmigrantes." [Accessed 6 June 2005]

_____. 8 April 2005. "Highlights: Andean Crime and Narcotics Issues 8 Apr 05." (WNC/Dialog)

Embassy of Peru, Ottawa. 8 June 2005. Telephone interview with the consul.

Additional Sources Consulted

Oral sources: The Peruvian national police anti-corruption directorate (Dirección contra la Corrupción, Policía Nacional del Perú) and the inspector general of the Peruvian national police (Inspectoría General de la Policía Nacional del Perú) did not provide any information within the time constraints for this Response.

Internet sites, including:, Ministerio del Interior, El Peruano, Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria, United States Department of State, World News Connection.

Associated documents