Information on the role played by René Francisco Guerra y Guerra in the government of El Salvador, 1977 - 1980 [SLV11191]

Please find attached a copy of the only document currently available to the IRBDC that contains references to Colonel René Guerra y Guerra.

According to the attachment, René Guerra y Guerra was one of two spokesmen and heads of the Military Youth Movement, described as a group of junior officers that:
wanted more innovative solutions to the crisis of public order than an increase in state-generated bloodshed, and demanded a programme of fairly radical reforms be introduced by the next military government (McClintock 1985, 247, 249).

The source states that a bargaining process reportedly took place within the military before the overthrow of President Romero in which Colonel Guerra y Guerra was the young officers' movement's second choice, after Colonel Majano, to serve in the junta. However, Colonel Guerra y Guerra was reportedly not a choice favoured by the United States (Ibid., 248).

Additional and/or corroborating information could not be found among the sources currently available to the IRBDC. Various sources report that a number of members of the junta and government resigned in January 1980, a few months after President Romero was deposed. The available sources, however, do not provide the names of all the military officers who resigned.


McClintock, Michael. 1985. The American Connection Volume I: State Terror and Popular Resistance in El Salvador. London [U.K.]: Zed Books.


McClintock, Michael. 1985. The American Connection Volume I: State Terror and Popular Resistance in El Salvador. London [U.K.]: Zed Books, pp. 247-250, 353-354 (endnotes of pages 247-250).