a-4323 (ACC-ALB-4323)

Nach einer Recherche in unserer Länderdokumentation und im Internet können wir Ihnen zu oben genannter Fragestellung Materialien zur Verfügung stellen, die unter anderem folgende Informationen enthalten:

Partei „Balli Kombetar“

Electionworld bezeichnet die „Partia Balli Kombëtar Shqiptar (Party of the Albanian National Front)” als nationalistische Partei. Bei den Parlamentswahlen vom 24. Juni 2001 sei sie als Teil der Wahlallianz „Union for Victory“ in die Volksversammlung eingzogen (Electionworld, ohne Datum). International Crisis Group (ICG) erwähnt in einer Analyse vom Februar 2004 die Balli Kombetar (Nationale Front) als nationalistische Bewegung, die im Kosovo und in Albanien aktiv sei. Sie habe sich traditionell für ein Großalbanien eingesetzt und sei als anti-kommunistische Widerstandsbewegung im Jahr 1942 in Albanien gegründet worden:

“Two nationalist movements, Balli Kombetar or the National Front, with bases in both Albania and Kosovo, and the Second League of Prizren, based in New York and Pristina, have also traditionally campaigned for a greater Albania. [Fußnote 16:] Balli Kombetar was a fiercely anti-communist resistance movement founded in Albania in 1942 with the aim of reuniting all ethnic Albanian territory.” (ICG, 25. Februar 2004, S. 15)

Das UK Home Office beschreibt in seinem Länderbericht zu Albanien vom April 2004 die Sozialistische Partei und die Demokratische Partei als die beiden dominierenden Parteien nach den Parlamentswahlen vom Sommer 2001. Vor den Wahlen habe es drei Parteiengruppierungen gegeben, zur dritten Koalition, der Vereinigten Rechten, gehörte auch die Balli Kömbetar:

“The Socialist Party (SP) won the July and August 2001 parliamentary elections. The two main, highly polarised, parties, the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party, dominate Albanian politics. Prior to the 2001 election, there were three party groupings in power. The governing coalition led by the SP, also included the Human Rights Party, the Democratic Alliance Party, the Agrarian Party, and the National Unity Party. The main opposition coalition named Union for Victory is headed by the Democratic Party and consisted of the Legality Party, the Christian Democrats, the Democratic Union Party and the Social Democratic Union Party. The third party grouping was the nonaligned centre right coalition, the United Right. It was made up of the Republican Party, the National Front Party (Balli Kömbetar), the Right Democratic Party and the Movement for Democracy Party.” (UK Home Office, April 2004, Abschnitt 5.11)

Das UK Home Office führt die “National Front Party (Partia Balli Kombëtar Shqipëtar- PBK)“ auch in ihrem Verzeichnis politischer Parteien an. Als eine der ältesten albanischen Parteien habe sie gegen die Partisanen im 2. Weltkrieg gekämpft:

“National Front Party (Partia Balli Kombëtar Shqipëtar- PBK). One of the oldest parties in Albania and was one of the groupings fighting against the partisans during World War II. For many Albanians it represents pre-war Albania. Chair: Ekrem Spahia” (UK Home Office, April 2004, Annex B)

Lokalwahlen vom 12. Oktober 2003

Über die Lokalwahlen vom 12. Oktober 2003 berichtet laut UK Home Office die OSCE in ihrem vorläufigen Bericht, dass sie in einer friedlichen Atmosphäre, mit nur wenigen isolierten gewalttätigen Zwischenfällen abgelaufen seien:

4.35 The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE - LGE 2003) - reported in their Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions (Local Government Elections 12 October 2003) that `The 12 October local government elections in the Republic of Albania marked further progress towards compliance with OSCE, Council of Europe and other international commitments and standards for democratic elections. ’Local elections took place in a peaceful atmosphere, with only a few isolated incidents of violence reported during the campaign and on election-day. The OSCE described the elections as having `Taken place in a calm atmosphere, with political parties treating each other as legitimate opponents and without the heated rhetoric that has marred past campaigns.’ [11k] (p1-2) The OSCE identified a number of shortcomings that they would like to see addressed ahead of the next round of parliamentary elections. These problems were mostly technical and as was the case in previous elections, the main problem related to voter lists. [11k] (p1-2) However, in the Report to the Permanent Council dated the 26 February 2004, the OSCE expressed their disappointment with organisation of the elections in what it saw as a missed opportunity for significant progress towards compliance with OSCE commitments and other international standards for democratic elections. [11l] (p4) (UK Home Office, April 2004, Abschnitt 4.33-4.35)

Die Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) stellt in ihrem abschließenden Bericht zu den Lokalwahlen vom 12. Oktober 2003 fest, dass der Prozess der Registrierung von Kandidaten und Parteien im Gegensatz zu früheren Wahlen generell ruhig abgelaufen sei:

“In contrast to previous elections where the registration process caused controversy over its often partisan nature, the registration of candidates and political parties generally proceeded smoothly and there was a marked decrease in the number of complaints on decisions of the LGEC.” (OSCE, 25. Februar 2004, S. 13)

Die OSCE kommt jedoch auch zu dem Schluss, dass die Lokalwahlen eine verpasste Gelegenheit gewesen wären, einen nennenswerten Fortschritt in Richtung Einhaltung internationaler Standards zu machen, der Prozess sei besonders in Tirana „langwierig und umstritten“ gewesen:

“The local government elections were a missed opportunity for significant progress towards compliance with OSCE commitments and other international standards for democratic elections. While important improvements were noted in the campaign, media coverage, handling of complaints and appeals, and election administration, the process was again protracted and litigious, especially in Tirana. Problems with counting were particularly widespread. Although the Socialist Party (SP) and Democratic Party (DP) showed an unprecedented capacity for dialogue during reform of the legal framework, more political will was required from both parties to ensure an effective and credible election process.” (OSCE, 25. Februar 2004, S. 1)

In den ACCORD derzeit zur Verfügung stehenden Quellen konnten keine Informationen zur Behinderung von Kandidaten der Partei „Balli Kombetar“ bei den Wahlen oder Übergriffe auf Miglieder oder Funktionäre gefunden werden.

Diese Informationen beruhen auf einer zeitlich begrenzten Recherche in öffentlich zugänglichen Dokumenten, die ACCORD derzeit zur Verfügung stehen. Die Antwort stellt keine abschließende Meinung zur Glaubwürdigkeit eines bestimmten Asylansuchens dar.
