The implementation of the new Law Against Domestic Violence [MNG100564.E]

The Mongolian Law Against Domestic Violence was passed in May 2004 (ADB and WB 2005, 45; Country Reports 2004 28. Feb 2005, Sec.3) and came into force on 1 January 2005 (NCAV 21 Sept. 2005).

The National Center Against Violence (NCAV) is a Mongolia-based organization (NCAV n.d.) that lobbied for this law (AI 2 June 2004 ). In 13 September 2005 correspondence with the Research Directorate, a Foreign Relations Officer/Legal Counsellor of NCAV commented that the implementation of this law has been "weak" since there is a lack of awareness and understanding and awareness among law enforcement officers and other relevant professionals regarding how to implement the law. Women's organizations in Mongolia also worry that government funds available to implement the law are inadequate (ADB and WB 2005, 45). Implementation capacity notwithstanding, the number of reported domestic violence cases has risen (ibid.) even though victims of domestic violence in Mongolia are often reluctant to report such incidents to the authorities (ADB and WB 2005, 43).

In its 2005 report on Mongolia, Amnesty International concluded that the police require training on how to handle domestic violence cases (AI 2005). The Asian Development Bank and World Bank add that further shelters, counsellors, and skilled medical personnel are needed, in addition to training sessions for health professionals and support and protection services for women and their children (ADB and WB 2005, 44-45). The NCAV has developed training sessions and seminars to raise awareness and educate officials involved with implementing the new Law Against Domestic Violence (NCAV 13 Sept. 2005). A working committee to develop a national action plan to combat and prevent domestic violence has also been created and by mid-2005 had begun conducting a survey (ibid.). Further information on the implementation of the Law Against Domestic Violence could not be found among the sources consulted.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Amnesty International (AI). 2005. "Mongolia." Amnesty International Report 2005. [Accessed 7 Sept. 2005]

_____. 2 June 2004. "Mongolia: NGO's claim victory against violence in the family." [Accessed 8 Sept. 2005]

Asian Development Bank and World Bank (ADB and WB). 2005. Country Gender Assessment: Mongolia. [Accessed 8 Sept. 2005]

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2004. 28 February 2005. United States Department of State. Washington, DC. [Accessed 20 Sept. 2005]

National Center Against Violence (NCAV). 21 September 2005. Correspondence with a Foreign Relations Officer/Legal Counsellor.

_____. 13 September 2005. Correspondence with a Foreign Relations Officer/Legal Counsellor.

_____. N.d. "National Center Against Violence: Introduction." [Accessed 21 Sept. 2005]

Additional Sources Consulted

Internet sources, including: Amnesty International Mongolia, Asia Foundation, Centre for Human Rights and Development, Eurasianet, European Country of Origin Information Network (ECOI), Freedom House Report, International Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, Liberal Women's Brain Pools, Mongolia Today, Mongolian Foundation for Open Society, Mongolian Women Lawyers Association, Mongolian Women's Federation, Mongolian Women's NGO Coalition, National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia, Open Society Mongolia, Parliament of Mongolia, Thinking East, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), United Nations Human Development Report, United Nations in Mongolia, United Nations Mongolia, Women for Social Progress in Mongolia, Women's Information and Research Centre Mongolia.

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