Document #1075523
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
According to an article in the Parisian daily Le Monde, Mamadouh Bah is a member of the Peuhl ethnic group (18 Dec. 1993). He is a founding member of the Guinean Organization for Human Rights (Organisation guinéenne des droits de l'homme-OGDH) and was the leader of the Union of Democratic Forces (Union des forces démocratiques) in 1992 (IPS 17 Sept. 1992; Amnesty International 29 Oct. 1992). In May 1994, Mamadou Bah announced at a press conference that he recognized the presidency of Lansana Conté as legitimate, and that the time had come to negotiate with the Party for Unity and Progress (Parti pour l'unité et le progrès-PUP), which is currently in power (BBC Summary 31 May 1994). Please find attached a number of articles referring to the UNR and the elections of 19 December 1993, as well as a West Africa article on the events of June 1993.
This Response was prepared by the DIRB after researching publicly available information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, either exhaustive with regard to conditions in the country referred to, or conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.
Amnesty International. 29 October 1992.
Urgent Action. (AI Index: AFR 29/01/92). London: Amnesty
BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. 31 May
1994. "Opposition Leader Mamadou Ba Recognizes Legitimacy of
Conte's Presidency." (NEXIS)
Inter Press Service (IPS). 17 September
1992. Lansana Fofana. "Guinea: Transition Blues, A Difficult Road
to Democracy." (NEXIS)
Le Monde [Paris]. 18 December
1993. Fritscher Frederic. "L'opposition continue d'exiger le report
de la première élection pluraliste." (NEXIS)
Agence France Presse (AFP). 4 January
1994. "Guinea Supreme Court Confirms Conte's Re-Election."
_____. 12 December 1993. Vladimir
Berezine. "Deux morts, plusieurs blessés lors
d'affrontements à Conakry." (NEXIS)
Amnesty International. 29 October 1992.
Urgent Action. (AI Index: AFR 29/01/92). London: Amnesty
BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. 31 May
1994. "Opposition Leader Mamadou Ba Recognizes Legitimacy of
Conte's Presidency." (NEXIS)
_____. 20 January 1994. "Conte
Reportedly Says Country to Establish 'Home-Grown' Democracy."
_____. 29 December 1993. "Opposition and
Conakry Archbishop Call for Calm; Shops Reopen." (NEXIS)
_____. 24 December 1993. "Interior
Ministry Says Conte Re-Elected; Opposition Warns of 'Popular
Unrest'." (NEXIS)
_____. 28 October 1993. "Court Releases
Final List of Presidential Candidates." (NEXIS)
_____. 18 October 1993. "International
Commission of Jurists Leader on Democratic Process in Guinea."
_____. 14 October 1993. "Guinea: Merger
of Three Opposition Parties." (NEXIS)
_____. 6 September 1993. "President
Conte Sets Elections for 5th December, Calls for Unity." (NEXIS
_____. 24 June 1992. "Guinea Party
Supporters Clash; Officials Block Voter Registration Forms."
_____. 19 February 1992. "Guinea
University of Conakry Closed Following Strike by Students."
_____. 29 November 1990. "Guinea: One or
More Students Killed; Calls for Protests in Conakry and Paris."
_____. 9 November 1990. "Guinea Student
Unrest at University of Conakry." (NEXIS)
Inter Press Service (IPS). 17 September
1992. Lansana Fofana. "Guinea: Transition Blues, A Difficult Road
to Democracy." (NEXIS)
Jeune Afrique [Paris]. 6-13
January 1994. Elimane Fall. "Guinée: les élections
contre la démocratie," pp. 16-17.
_____. 14-20 October 1993. Hamza
Kaïdi. "Guinée: le sang des urnes," pp. 26-27.
_____. 15-21 July 1993. Elimane Fall.
"Guinée: le spectre de Touré, pp. 18-19.
Le Monde [Paris]. 18 December
1993. Fritscher Frederic. "L'opposition continue d'exiger le report
de la première élection pluraliste." (NEXIS)
Reuters. 30 December 1993. BC Cycle.
Foday Fofanah. "Guinea President Warns Opposition." (NEXIS)
_____. 20 December 1993. BC Cycle. Foday
Fofanah. "Food Short in Guinea Capital Amid Election Tension."
_____. 15 December 1994. BC Cycle.
"Reuter Africa Highlights 0630 GMT Dec. 14." (NEXIS)
_____. 28 September 1990. BC Cycle.
Christo Johnson. "Thousands Flee Liberia as Ceasefire Starts to
Look Shaky." (NEXIS)
West Africa [London]. 21
November 1993. "Guinea: Looking Inward for Change," p. 2066.
_____. 20 June 1993. "Guinea: Road to
Democracy," pp. 996-997.