Information on the activities of the Lebanese Hezbollah. [GIN8808]

Information on this specific topic is currently unavailable
to the IRBDC in Ottawa.
In his book The Vanished Imam, Fouad Ajami often
mentions the presence of Lebanese Shi'a in West Africa. This
author reported that it is mainly poverty that has driven the
Shi'a out of South Lebanon (1986, 44). The Shi'a living in West
Africa were expatriate workers sending money to South Lebanon
(Ibid.). This source indicated that Shi'a from Lebanon were
living in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and other African
countries (Ibid., 84).
Please find the attached articles on the Lebanese community
in Africa and the importance of Islam on that continent.


Ajami, Fouad. 1986. The Vanished Imam: Musa al-Sadr and the

Shi'a of Lebanon. Cornell University Press.
West Africa. 15-21 October 1990. Chris Simpson. "Lebanese
West Africa. 8-14 October 1990. David Skinner. "Social Mold".

West Africa. 15-21 October 1990. "Lebanese Lessons".
West Africa. 8-14 October 1990. "Social Mold".