Document #1052111
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
In addition to the attached documents which
provide general information on the situation of women in Honduras,
the information that follows was provided by a lawyer at the
Visitación Padilla Women's Peace Committee in Honduras (14
June 1993). The organization is a source suggested to the DIRB by
the Honduras Human Rights Commission (CODEH), which indicated that
Visitación Padilla is the organization best acquainted with
the problem of domestic violence in Honduras. The organization's
lawyer suggested two other organizations in Honduras for detailed
statistical information on the subject. These organizations,
however, could not be reached in time to meet the deadline of your
request, but the DIRB can attempt to obtain information from them
upon further request.
According to the lawyer at
Visitación Padilla, the government is currently unable to
provide adequate protection or assistance to women who are victims
of domestic violence. Although a decree calling for the
establishment of family assistance bureaus ("Consejerías de
Familia") was promulgated on 9 June 1993, the legislation is
essentially an outline and statement of intentions that requires
further regulation and definition. Therefore, the bureaus are not
expected to provide any effective legal or psychological assistance
to victims of family violence within the current year, and they
will only be in place if the next government to take office after
the elections scheduled for November 1993 follows up on the
initiative. Various women's organizations have prepared a package
of proposed legal reforms to improve the situation of women and the
legal protection available to them. These proposals will be
presented to the government on 15 June 1993.
There are, however, some government
institutions that provide assistance to abused minors. Their
services, however, are overwhelmed by demand and are often unable
to provide adequate legal, psychological and physical protection to
the victims.
According to the source, police forces do
not give adequate attention to complaints of domestic violence and
although a female branch of the police exists, its members are not
trained nor assigned to work on cases of domestic violence. Abused
women often resort to relatives for assistance, although this is
often no guarantee of protection and they are easily located by the
abusive spouse or relative.
Most of the assistance currently available
to female victims of domestic violence is provided by
non-government organizations. Visitación Padilla, for
example, provides legal, psychological and, in some cases, economic
assistance, and the organization established in late 1992 a small
shelter in the capital where abused women can find temporary
refuge. This and other organizations, however, are overwhelmed by
demand and cannot provide assistance to the many cases for which
they are approached. At present, an attempt is being make legal and
psychological assistance available to abused women in San Pedro
Sula, Honduras' second largest city.
The legal reforms to be proposed by the
women's organizations include the criminalization of various forms
of domestic abuse which are currently not considered a crime. Cases
in which these legal deficiencies become apparent are psychological
abuse and threats of injury. Although the Penal Code establishes
penalties for crimes against mental health, these have not been
enforceable for cases of domestic psychological abuse. Reforms are
also being sought for cases of domestic sexual abuse, including
incest, which occurs often and receives at most--if successfully
prosecuted--a penalty that is viewed by women's organizations as
too lenient. Spousal rape is not considered a crime. The source
added that abortion is illegal in Honduras, even in cases for which
it is medically advised and for cases of rape and incest.
Additional and/or corroborating information
could not be found among the sources currently available to the
Visitación Padilla Women's
Peace Committee, Tegucigalpa. 14 June 1993. Telephone Interview
with Lawyer.
Barry, Tom and Ken Norsworthy. Inside
Honduras. Albuquerque: The Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource
Centre, pp. 123-126.
CODEH: Boletín del
Comité Para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en
Honduras [Tegucigalpa]. January 1992. Pp. 2-11.
Shreir, Sally, ed. 1988. Women's Movements of the World: An International Directory and Reference Guide. London: Longman UK Ltd., p. 120.