Urgent Action 137/07 [MDE 13/068/2007]

Associated documents

  • Document ID 1049726 Related / Associated
  • Sa’id Metinpour, an advocate of linguistic and cultural rights for Iranians of Azerbaijani ethnicity, has not been seen since 25 May; He may be at risk of torture or ill-treatment

    Urgent Action 137/07 [MDE 13/068/2007] (Appeal or News Release, English)

    • Document ID 1049726 Related / Associated
    • Sa’id Metinpour, an advocate of linguistic and cultural rights for Iranians of Azerbaijani ethnicity, has not been seen since 25 May; He may be at risk of torture or ill-treatment

      Urgent Action 137/07 [MDE 13/068/2007] (Appeal or News Release, English)