Information on the Madiban clan and whether it is also known as the Midgan [SOM22921.E]

Along with the Musa Derieh and the Midgan, the Madiban are listed as "sundry small tribes and sections" in Arbre Généalogique des clans de la tribu Somali, a collection of Somali genealogy from northern Somalia (Gauthier 1989, 32). This source identifies that all three groups are composed of pre-Somali hunters and leather workers who can be found among all Somali clans (ibid.).

In a telephone interview on 6 February 1996, an anthropology professor at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania stated that the Midgan can be found among all the Somali clans because they tend to concentrate in occupations such as blacksmith, butcher, sandal maker, and other occupations deemed unfit for Somalis. However, the professor could not provide information on the Madiban, nor was he aware of whether the Madiban were the same people as the Midgan (ibid.).

A professor at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis who is knowledgeable about the Midgan was not aware of the Midgan being described as the Madiban (Telephone interview 30 January 1996).

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Professor of anthropology, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 6 February 1996. Telephone interview.

Professor specializing in Somalia, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 30 January 1996. Telephone interview.

Gauthier, Jean-Pierre. 1989. Arbre Généalogique des Clans de la Tribu Somali. (Contains John A. Hunt. 1944. "Genealogies of the Tribes of British Somaliland and the Mijertein")

Additional Sources Consulted

Africa Confidential. 1995.

Africa Research Bulletin. 1995.

DIRB Somalia Country File. 1995.

Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) reports. 1995.

Horn of Africa Bulletin. 1995.

Indexed Media Review. 1995.

The Indian Ocean Newsletter. 1995.

USAID Situation Reports. 1995.