Document #1026579
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
On the activities of the Church of the Word
of Life in Bulgaria and on whether the Church is officially
recognized and registered, a representative of the Bulgarian
Helsinki Committee in Sofia stated in a 19 February E-Mail to the
Research Directorate that:
The Church had never been officially
recognized as a church by the Bulgarian Government. It was
registered initially as a non-profit organization with the Sofia
City Court, but following legislative amendments in 1994, the
organization was banned by the Government.
According to this legislative amendments
organizations with religious activities need to have prior
authorization by the Government to be registered with the courts.
The Government refused to grant such authorization to Word of
On the attitude of the authorities and the
population in general toward the members of this church, the
representative stated that:
The attitude of both authorities and the
media, and as a result of the population to WoL is extremely
negative. There have been numerous cases of illegal searches and
seizures, police interference with religious meetings. The Helsinki
Committee is aware of a number of labour discrimination cases.
There was a significant number of defamatory publications in the
media. As a result of the actions of the authorities and the media
the church had significantly diminished in size and activities.
On the legal recourses available the Church
of the Word of Life and its members against state "persecution and
discrimination", the representative stated that:
Word of Life members had tried to defend
their rights in court, but so far such efforts had not been
successful. There were defamation suits against newspapers, actions
for damages for illegal searches and seizures and labour
discrimination law suits. It is the view of the BHC that prejudice
had plaid [sic] a significant role in the final outcome of such
In a 11 February 1998 E-Mail sent to the
Research Directorate, a Pastor of the Church of the Word of Life in
Bulgaria stated that:
Every person who's [sic] right has been violated has the right to appeal through court. But unfortunately every court's decision is negative and it takes years until the procedure finishes.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is
not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any
particular claim to refugee status or asylum.
Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, Sofia. 19
February 1998. E-Mail from representative.
Church of the Word of Life, Sofia. 11
February 1998. E-Mail from a pastor.