Document #1022332
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
Please find attached organizational charts for the police, navy and army, as well as the army's order of battle.
The Research Directorate was unable to obtain an organizational chart for the Peruvian air force (Fuerza Aérea del Perú, FAP). However, under the terms of the Organic Law of the Peruvian Air Force (Ley orgánica de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú), the FAP is led by a commander general (Peru 27 Sept. 1987). The command structure also consists of the General Staff (Estado Mayor General), responsible for planning; the Superior Council of the Air Force (Consejo Superior de la Fuerza Aérea) and the Economic Council of the Air Force (Consejo Económico de la Fuerza Aérea), both of which play a consultative role; the Inspectorate General (Inspectoría General); the Socio-economic Advisory Office (Asesoría Socio Económica) and the Legal Advisory Office (Asesoría Legal), both of which play an advisory role; the Operations Command (Comando de Operaciones), the Air Defence Command (Comando de Defensa Aérea), the Personnel Command (Comando de Personal), the Materials Command (Comando de Material) and the Training Command (Comando de Instrucción), all described as executive bodies; and unspecified agencies identified in the legislation as support organs (organos de apoyo) (ibid.). Furthermore, the FAP is organized into ten Air Groups (Grupos Aéreos), each with one to five operational squadrons (Aeroflight n.d.).
This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.
Aeroflight. n.d. "World Air Forces:
[Accessed 29 Jan. 2004]
Peru. 27 September 1987. "Decreto
legislativo No. 439. Ley orgánica de la Fuerza Aérea
del Perú."
[Accessed 29 Jan. 2004]
Peru. n.d. Ejército del
Perú. "Organization of the Army." Translated from Spanish to
English by the Multilingual Translation Directorate, Translation
Bureau, Public Works and Government Services Canada.
_____. n.d. Marina de Guerra del
Perú. "Organization Chart." Translated from Spanish to
English by the Multilingual Translation Directorate, Translation
Bureau, Public Works and Government Services Canada.
_____. n.d. Policía Nacional del
Perú. "Organization Chart: National Police of Peru."
Translated from Spanish to English by the Multilingual Translation
Directorate, Translation Bureau, Public Works and Government
Services Canada.
_____. n.d. Policía Nacional del
Perú. "Macrostructure of the National Police of Peru."
Translated from Spanish to English by the Multilingual Translation
Directorate, Translation Bureau, Public Works and Government
Services Canada.
_____. Ejército del Perú.
"Army Organization." Translated from Spanish to English by the
Multilingual Translation Directorate, Translation Bureau, Public
Works and Government Services Canada.
SAORBATS. June 2003. Adrian English.
"Peruvian Army (excerpts)."
[Accessed 28 Jan. 2004]
Additional Sources Consulted
Jane's Intelligence Review
[Surrey]. Jan. 2003-Jan. 2004
Jane's International Police
Review [Surrey]. Feb. 1997-Feb. 2000
Internet sites, including:
Ejército del Perú
Foreign Military Studies Office
Fuerza Aérea del Perú
Instituto Nacional de Defensa Civil
Marina de Guerra del Perú
Military Periscope
Ministerio de Defensa
War Book
Organizational structure of the police and armed forces [PER42407.E] (Response, French)