Document #1021236
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
No reports on whether a Law School exist in
Azad University and whether there is an active Islamic Society in
the university could be found among the sources consulted by the
Research Directorate.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is
not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any
particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the
list of sources consulted in researching this Information
Sources Consulted
Arabies [Paris]. January 1989 -
1998. Monthly.
Arab Law Quarterly [London].
1993 - 1998. Quarterly.
Arab Studies Quarterly [Lake
Forest, Ill.]. 1995 - 1998. Quarterly.
Dialogue [London]. October 1993
- 1998. Monthly.
Resource Centre Country Files: Iran.
Jane's Intelligence Review.
Monthly. 1997-1998.
The Middle East [London].
November 1995 - 1998. Monthly.
Middle East International
[London]. January 1995 - 1998. Bi-weekly.
Middle East Report
[Washington]. September 1995 - 1997. Bi-monthly.
Monde Arabe Maghreb-Machrek
[Paris]. January 1995 - 1998. Quarterly.
News From Middle East Watch
[New York]. 1996 - 1998.
Pointer. a newsletter published
by the Jane's Group, London.
Electronic sources: IRB database, Global
Newsbank, LEXIS/NEXIS, Internet, REFWORLD, WNC.
Several attempts to reach oral sources
were unsuccessful.