Information on the nationality of a child born outside Seychelles (but who moved to Seychelles at the age of six months) of a Seychellois mother and a Ghanaian father [SYC10117]

Please find attached Response to Information Request No. SYC8712.

According to a representative at the Consulate of Seychelles in New York, if the above-mentioned child has the mother's name then the child would be considered a Seychelles national; however, if the child has the father's name then it would be up to the government of Ghana to decide whether or not nationality will be granted to the child (30 Jan. 1992).

Additional and/or corroborating information on this subject is currently unavailable to the IRBDC in Ottawa.


Consulate of Seychelles, New York. 30 January 1992. Telephone Interview with Representative.

Immigration and Refugee Board Documentation, IRBDC, Ottawa. 31 January 1992. Response to Information Request No. SYC8712.