Possibility for those targeted in blood feuds to relocate within Albania; whether avengers can locate targeted individuals who have relocated in other areas of Albania (2005 - 2006) [ALB101479.E]

In written correspondence with the Research Directorate, representatives from the European Commission and the Tirana-based Human Rights in Democracy Center (HRDC) stated that persons targeted by blood feuds could not safely relocate within the country (EU 13 July 2006; HRDC 26 June 2006). Although the HRDC admitted that the situation surrounding blood feuds had improved, it claimed that avengers would be able to find their target within Albania, especially in the north of the country (ibid.). Similarly, the Justice and Home Affairs Coordinator for the European Commission delegation in Albania and the Representative of the Tirana-based Committee of Nationwide Reconciliation (CNR) stated that Albania is small enough that avengers would be capable of finding their targets (EU 13 July 2006; CNR 18 June 2006).

The CNR Representative added that those targeted in blood feuds "are obliged to confine themselves [to their homes] or leave Albania," after which the threat against them supposedly decreases (ibid.). A professor of History at Indiana University, who is considered an expert witness in political asylum cases from the Balkans and who has authored several publications on twentieth-century Albanian history, also explained that often the only option available to those targeted in blood feuds is to never leave their home (14 June 2006).

Other sources indicated that relocating within Albania was a viable option for those targeted in blood feuds in order to escape the threat against them (UK 12 Jan. 2006, para. 3.6.7; AHC 20 June 2006). According to the United Kingdom Home Office, internal relocation for those fearing revenge against them would not be "unduly harsh," although the effectiveness of relocation depends on the persistence of the avenger (UK 12 Jan. 2006, para. 3.6.7). Similarly, in correspondence with the Research Directorate, the non-governmental human rights organization Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC) wrote that internal relocation is a possibility for individuals targeted in blood feuds provided that the police protect the identity of the person who relocates (AHC 20 June 2006). However, information on the effectiveness of police protection for persons targeted by blood feuds could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

A 2005 BBC news article reported that one man who was targeted in a blood feud relocated within Albania with his family to avoid the confrontation, but no information was provided as to whether relocation was effective (23 Sept. 2005). Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2005 noted that approximately 50 families left Albania in 2005 out of fear of revenge in a blood feud (US 8 Mar. 2006). The Professor of History stated that he was aware of blood feuds that had been pursued outside of Albania in North America and Italy (14 June 2006).

According to Country Reports 2005, while Albanian law allowed internal freedom of movement, many internal migrants, especially Romani citizens, lost access to certain services such as education or health care (US 8 Mar. 2006, Sec. 2.d). Although many people have moved within Albania since the fall of Communism, the Professor explained that Albanians are not accustomed to renting housing and it can be difficult to obtain a mortgage (ibid.). Also, if an Albanian arrives from another part of Albania, people are curious about the person's background and motives for moving (ibid.).

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Albanian Helsinki Committee (AHC). 20 June 2006. Correspondence from the Executive Director.

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). 23 September 2005. "Blood Feuds Blight Albanian Lives." http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/europe/4273020.stm [Accessed 14 July 2006]

Committee of Nationwide Reconcilation (CNR) [Tirana, Albania]. 18 June 2006. Correspondence from a representative.

European Union (EU) [Albania]. 13 July 2006. European Commission (EC). Correspondence from the Justice and Home Affairs Coordinator.

Human Rights in Democracy Center (HRDC). 26 June 2006. Correspondence from the Director.

Professor of History, Indiana University. 14 June 2006. Telephone interview.

United Kingdom (UK). 12 January 2006. Home Office, Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND), Country Information and Policy Unit. "Operational Guidance Note - Albania." http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/documents/countryspecificpolicy/albania?view=Binary [Accessed 5 June 2006]

United States (US). 8 March 2006. Department of State. "Albania." Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2005. http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2005/61633.htm [Accessed 6 June 2006]

Additional Sources Consulted

Oral sources, including: Albanian Human Rights Group; Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto; Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation of Disputes [Albania]; MJAFT!; Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe [Albania]; Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

Internet sources, including: Committee for Nationwide Reconciliation (CNR), Albania; European Country of Origin Information Network (ECOI); Factiva; Freedom House; Human Rights Watch (HRW); International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (IHF); Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL); Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI).

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