Document #1003260
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary
Democratic Front (EPDRF) reportedly enjoys a good relationship and
has "strong ties" with the Eritrean People's Liberation Front
(EPLF) (The Middle East International 12 June 1992, 19). The
EPRDF recognises the provisional government of Eritrea (Gilkes July
12992, 5). Although Ethiopia and Eritrea have different views on
how to achieve democracy, their relationship is reported to be
amicable (Africa News 23 Dec. 1991-6 Jan. 1992, 18). For
further information on this topic, please refer to the attached
Africa News [London]. 23
December 1991-6 January 1992. "Ethiopia and Eritrea Pursue Amicably
Divergent Paths to Democracy."
Gilkes, Patrick. July 1992. Ethnic
and Political Movements in Ethiopia and Somalia. London: Save
the Children Fund.
Middle East international
[London]. 12 June 1992. "Eritrea Emerges From Africa's Longest
War," No. 427, pp. 19-20.
Africa News [London]. 23 December
1991-6 January 1992. "Ethiopia and Eritrea Pursue Amicably
Divergent Paths to Democracy."
Gilkes, Patrick. July 1992. Ethnic
and Political Movements in Ethiopia and Somalia. London: Save
the Children Fund.
Middle East international
[London]. 12 June 1992. "Eritrea Emerges From Africa's Longest
War," No. 427, pp. 19-20.