Document #1001084
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
Please find attached a copy of the only map
of Bujumbura found among the sources consulted by the DIRB.
Although the map provides a degree of detail, naming some areas,
streets and landmarks, it was published in 1987 and does not cover
the entire extent of the city. For additional information on
Bujumbura, text from the map's source publication and excerpts from
the Encyclopaedia Britannica and Le Grande Encyclopedie
du Monde providing brief comments on Bujumbura.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does
not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular
claim to refugee status or asylum.
Crowther, Geoff. 1987. East Africa:
A Travel Survival Kit. London: Lonely Planet Publications, pp.
La Grande Encyclopedie du Monde.
1988. Vol. 11. Brussels: Editions Atlas, p. 4965.
The New Encyclopaedia Britannica.
1989. 15th ed. Vol. 2. Edited by Philip W. Goetz. Chicago:
Encyclopaedia Britannica, p. 614.