Document #1000648
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
The following information was provided by
an officer at the Andean Comission of Jurists in Lima, during a
telephone interview on 18 May 1995. Discussion on many proposed
amendments has been ongoing but only two constitutional amendments
have been formally proposed and approved in one legislative session
before April 1995. These amendments have to be approved in a second
legislative session to be added to the constitution of December
1993 and go into effect.
One of the amendments concerns the
Habeas Data refering to the citizens' access to information
from public institutions. The second amendment refers to the
Canon Regional, which is the transfer to the regions of
income generated through the exploitation of their natural
resources. These amendments are expected to be approved in the next
legislative session that will take place in the second half of
1995, after the newly elected Congress assumes power.
For information on aspects of the
constitution that have been amended before the referendum of
December 1993 and amendments proposed after the adoption of the
constitution, please consult the attached documents.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does
not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular
claim to refugee status or asylum.
Andean Comission of Jurists, Lima, Peru.
18 May 1995. Telephone interview with an officer.
EFE [Madrid, in Spanish]. 7 April 1994.
"Half Million People Seek Constitutional Amendments."
(FBIS-LAT-94-0688 April 1994, pp. 39-40)
El Comercio [Lima, in Spanish]. 31 July
1994. "Yoshiyama On Constitutional Amendments." (FBIS-LAT-94-160 18
August 1994, p. 37)
El Peruano [Lima, in Spanish]. 30
September 1993. "Constitutional Amendments Outlined."
(FBIS-LAT-93-207 28 October 1993, pp. 55-57)
Keesing's Record of World Events
[Cambridge]. October 1993. Vol. 39, No. 10. "Peru: Constitutional
Referendum," pp. 39683-39684.
Latin American Regional Reports:
Andean Group Report [London]. 11 November 1993. "Peruvians
Approve New Charter But By Smaller Margin Than Fujimori Wanted," p.
_____. 11 November 1993. "Peru: Backing
For Reform Less Than Expected," pp. 2-3.
Notisur. 14 January 1994. "Peru:
President Alberto Fujimori Promulgates Nation's 12th Constitution."
Radio Programas del Peru [Lima, in
Spanish]. 23 October 1993. "CCD President Discusses Constitutional
Referendum." (FBIS-LAT-93-207 28 October 1993, pp. 52-55)
Reuters. 29 December 1993. BC Cycle.
Mary Powers. "Fujimori Promulgates Peru's 12th Constitution."
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
(FBIS) Reports. Daily.
Latinamerica Press [Lima].
Latin America Update [Washington].
Latin American Newsletters
Latin American Regional Reports:
Andean Group [London].
Latin American Special Reports
NACLA Report on the Americas.
On-line searches.
Oral sources.