Extended country pages now available for all countries of priority A

Extended country pages are now available for all countries of priority "A".

The new, extended country pages provide a better overview of the information available. All our "A countries" now have extended country pages:

Elements of the extended country pages are

  • Country briefing
    A country briefing provides a quick introduction to the most important issues relevant with regard to international protection, as well as suggested links for an ecoi.net search.
  • Map collection
    The collection of maps provides a thematically structured access to maps available on ecoi.net.
  • As before, particularly important publications, the ecoi.net featured topics, as well as current positions of UNHCR or the EUAA are highlighted.
  • Furthermore, the list of important documents, links to country profiles and a collection of national laws will be available on the country page further on. We are working to structure the latter thematically in the future, in a way similar to the new map collection. For selected countries there is also a "law guide" that explains how best to research laws for the respective country.

Individual elements will also be used for lower priority countries.

If you have questions or want to share feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us: info@ecoi.net

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