Information on the programmes, policies and practices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for Iranian refugees in Iraq, France and West Germany in the period 1980 to present [IRN10300]
Two representatives of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR) in Ottawa and New York had no information on the
UNHCR activities in France and W. Germany. However, a
representative of the UNHCR in Ottawa provided the attached
publications on the UNHCR activities in Iran and Iraq during the
last 12 months.
Additional information will be forwarded to you upon receipt from
the UNHCR representatives in France and Germany.
United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR), Geneva. 27 January 1992. Information Bulletin
No. 8.
. 30 October 1991. Information
Bulletin No. 7.
. 3 October 1991. Information
Bulletin No. 6.
. 15 July 1991. Information Bulletin
No. 5.
. 11 June 1991. Information Bulletin
No. 4.
. 21 May 1991. Information Bulletin
No. 3.
. 14 March 1991. Information Bulletin
No. 2.
. 4 February 1991. Information
Bulletin No. 1.