Document #1353093
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
The information that follows was provided
in a telephone interview by a lawyer responsible for consular
affairs at the Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador in Ottawa (5 July
A licenciado is a title roughly
equivalent to a bachelor's degree in Canada. Depending on the
university, a student may be granted this title upon graduation or
the completion of four years of studies at a faculty of law,
jurisprudence, or social and political science. The actual title
could be licenciado en leyes, licenciado en derecho
or licenciado en ciencias políticas y sociales. In
all cases, the licenciado can proceed to obtain the title of
Abogado is roughly equivalent to
lawyer in Canada. It is a title conferred to a person who has
obtained a licenciado degree and successfully defends a
thesis on a subject of law. The person who obtains the title of
abogado is legally entitled to exercise his or her
profession at courts of law in Ecuador. The actual title conferred
is abogado de los tribunales de la república.
The next and highest degree in law in
Ecuador is that of doctor en jurisprudencia. This title is
usually conferred after the successful defence of a thesis and the
passing of various examinations. However, some faculties confer
both titles (abogado and doctor) simultaneously after
the successful defence of a thesis.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does
not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular
claim to refugee status or asylum.
Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador,
Ottawa. 5 July 1995. Telephone interview with lawyer responsible
for consular affairs.