Information on the armed forces primary and middle schools in Kumasi and whether they are restricted to children of army personnel [GHA18545.E]

A representative of the High Commission for the Republic of Ghana in Ottawa stated that there are schools ranging from kindergartens to senior secondary schools at all military bases in Ghana. He stated that these schools are open to all children in the vicinity of the military bases. He stated that Ghana has universal free education from elementary to junior secondary level. Tuition is free at but pupils have to pay for books and uniforms, while those in senior secondary schools have to pay an additional fee for room and board. This information was corroborated by a Ghanaian political science professor at the University of South Florida and the executive director of Match International, a Canadian non-governmental organization working in the Third World (27 Sept. 1994; 27 Sept. 1994). However, the two latter sources stated that priority is given to children of the military personnel.

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


The High Commission for the Republic of Ghana, Ottawa. 27 September 1994. Telephone interview with representative.

Match International, Ottawa. 27 September 1994. Telephone interview with executive director.

Ghanaian Professor of political science professor, University of South Florida, Tampa. 27 September 1994. Telephone interview.