Information on whether a holder of K-status has convention refugee status, whether it is necessary to renew the document, if it can be renewed from overseas and under what circumstances this status can be revoked [DNK11480]

The most comprehensive information available to the IRBDC on K-status in Denmark is to be found in Response to Information Request DNK2604 of 18 October 1989.

Please find attached the excerpt on Denmark from Asylum in Europe which describes the Danish refugee determination system.
The IRBDC in Ottawa has no further information on this subject at the present time.


European Consultation on Refugees and Exiles. 1983. Asylum in Europe. Rotterdam: European Consultation on Refugees and Exiles.

Immigration and Refugee Board Documentation Centre (IRBDC). 18 October 1992. Response to Information Request No. DNK11480.


European Consultation on Refugees and Exiles. 1983. Asylum in Europe. Rotterdam: European Consultation on Refugees and Exiles, pp. 102-113.