Information on a group called "Grupo de Desalojo", possibly linked to the PRI party or its Mexico City mayoral candidate, and possibly operating in the states of Michoacan or Oaxaca, evicting squatters from landholdings, 1993-96 [MEX28866.E]

Information on a group with the name "Grupo de Desalojo" (Eviction Group) could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate. However, references to groups linked to the PRI party or PRI figures can be found in various publications, including the May 1997 DIRB/Research Directorate Q&A Paper Mexico: Armed Insurgent Groups (see section 3.6, "Landowner and Paramilitary Response"), available at your Regional Documentation Centre.

A 26 August 1996 press release of the National Advancement Party (PAN) reports the eviction of 1,760 families from a building complex in the municipality of Ecatepec de Morelos, state of Mexico, by the Institute of the National Fund for Workers' Housing (Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores, INFONAVIT), headed by Alfredo del Mazo Gonzalez. The report states that the families were "violently evicted" (desalojadas violentamente) by order (por órdenes) of Alfredo del Mazo. The same document later states that the owners or occupants of the buildings had been gradually forced to abandon them in order for the demolition to proceed. However, the source does not provide a specific name for the group or groups that carried out the evictions.

Various sources name Alfredo del Mazo as the 1997 mayoral candidate for the capital city of Mexico.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Partido de Avanzada Nacional (PAN), Grupo Parlamentario Federal, Mexico City. 26 August 1996. "Denuncia el diputado Javier Santos Covarrubias desalojo de familias de la unidad habitacional Valle de Aragón CTM XIV." [Internet] [Accessed 23 Feb. 1998]