Document #1061862
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Author)
There are a number of places of detention
in N'Djamena referred to in the sources consulted by the Research
Directorate, although none is explicitly referred to as the
"central prison". Amnesty International, in its 1997
Report refers to persons being detained at the "the Camp des
martyrs prison in N'Djaména" (1997, 115), the Agènce
National de Sécurité [ANS] headquarters in
N'Djaména (ibid., 114) and the headquarters of the
Renseignements généraux, General Intelligence
Service, in N'Djaména (ibid.). In addition, the Amnesty
International report Hope Betrayed refers to detainees
being held at the "Gendarmerie headquarters in N'Djaména"
(1997, 7). In Country Reports, 1997 it is reported
Official inaction and interference continue to plague the judiciary. Persons accused of crimes may endure up to several years of incarceration before being charged or tried, especially those arrested for felonies in the provinces who must await remand to the overcrowded and dangerous house of detention in N'Djamena. (1998, 60)
Reuters, in an article dated 9 May 1997 that failed to specify the prison involved, reported that:
Police fired automatic weapons to disperse hungry inmates who threw stones and took guards hostage at a prison in Chad's capital Ndjamena on Friday and many prisoners were wounded, a judicial source said.
The source could not say whether there had been any deaths.
It was the fourth riot at the prison this year.
"The prisoners attacked us early in the morning because they were hungry," one prison guard told Reuters.
"The prisoners live in very difficult conditions, they eat little or nothing for days on end, their conditions of health and hygiene are deplorable," he added.
No information confirming the name(s) of the person(s) with the title of Commander of the central prison in N'Djamena could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is
not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any
particular claim to refugee status or asylum.
Amnesty International. March 1997.
Hope Betrayed. (AI Index: AFR 20/04/97) London: Amnesty
_____. 1997. Amnesty International
Report 1997. London: Amnesty International.
Country Reports on Human Rights
Practices for 1997. 30 January 1998. United States Department
of State. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing
Reuters. 9 May 1997. "Chad Police Open
Fire to Disperse Hungry Prisoners." (NEXIS)
Additional Sources Consulted
Africa Analysis [London]. 1997
- 1998
Africa Confidential [London].
1997 - 1998
Africa Research Bulletin
[London]. 1997 - 1998
Human Rights Watch Global Report on
Prisons. 1993
La lettre du continent [Paris].
December 1997 - January 1998
La Lettre hebdomadaire de la
FIDH. [Paris]. December 1997 - January 1998
Observatoire International des Prisons. 1997.
Rapport 1997
Electronic Sources : IRB Databases,
Non-documentary sources: unsuccesful
attempts to contact three oral sources.
Resource Centre Chad country file (1997
- 1998)
Resource Centre Chad Amnesty
International file (1997 - 1998)