Student demonstrations held in Mendoza during the months of August, September and November 1996, October and November 1998, and March 2000; reports of violence or arrests at these demonstrations (1996-2000) [ARG36313.E]

No reports of student demonstrations held in Mendoza during the months of August, September or November 1996, October and November 1998, or March 2000 could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

However, according to Latin American Weekly Report, trade union confederations organized general strikes throughout Argentina in August and September 1996 (22 Aug. 1996; ibid. 10 Oct. 1996). In the case of the general strike held on 8 August 1996, adherence was estimated to be "in the vicinity of 80-90% - to all practical purposes, complete" (ibid. 22 Aug. 1996). The second general strike, scheduled to last 36 hours, began on 26 September 1996 (ibid. 10 Oct. 1996). The strike was described as being "widely supported," and strikers reportedly held rallies of "varying sizes in most of Argentina's major cities" (ibid.). No specific mention of demonstrations held in Mendoza during either of these strikes could be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate.

This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request.


Latin American Weekly Report [London]. 10 October 1996. "Menem Unmoved by General Strike. "

_____. 22 August 1996. "Massive Support for General Strike."

Additional Sources Consulted

IRB databases.

Latin American Weekly Report [London]. Aug.-Dec. 1996; Sept.-Dec. 1998; Mar. 2000.

Latin American Regional Reports: Southern Cone Report [London]. June. 1998-Mar. 2000.

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Asesoría de Relaciones Institucionales y Cooperación Institucional.

Internet sites including:

Amnesty International.

Clarín [Buenos Aires]. 1997-2001.

Diario Los Andes [Mendoza]. Feb.-May; Sept. 2000-Jan. 2001.

Human Rights Watch.

La Nación [Buenos Aires]. 1997-2001.

Noticias de Educacion, Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnica [Buenos Aires]. Oct.-Nov. 1998; Mar. 2000.

Prensa Obrera [Buenos Aires]. Aug. 1996-Mar. 2000.

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.