Case Dropped Against Golos, Not Soldiers' Mothers Group

November 20, 2014

Russia’s Justice Ministry has withdrawn claims against two advocacy groups but is continuing its case against the St. Petersburg branch of the Soldiers’ Mothers Committee.

The Justice Ministry’s press service announced on November 19 that the ministry is dropping cases against the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information and the electoral rights group Golos.

The ministry said both had rectified administrative violations concerning their financing, "in particular those funds received from foreign sources."

The Justice Ministry said the St. Petersburg branch of the Soldiers’ Mothers Committee had not yet provided accounting records of its legal establishment as a noncommercial organization, “performing the functions of a foreign agent,” but had petitioned for an extension.

The ministry granted the extension until November 24.

The Soldiers' Mothers group has long fought Russian military abuses and for the rights of conscripts and other soldiers. It has also been researching recent deaths of Russian soldiers since violence erupted in neighboring Ukraine.

Based on reporting by Interfax