Dokument #1331049
IRB – Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (Autor)
For information on this subject, please
consult the attached documents.
This Response was prepared after
researching publicly accessible information currently available to
the DIRB within time constraints. This Response is not, and does
not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular
claim to refugee status or asylum.
Agence France Presse (AFP). 19 May 1997.
"Iraqi Kurds Group Drives PKK Out of Arbil, Three Executed."
_____. 28 April 1997. "Several Dead in
New Clashes Between Iraqi Kurds: PUK." (NEXIS)
_____. 5 February 1997. "PUK Says Saddam
to Blame for Insecurity in Iraqi Kurdistan." (NEXIS)
Associated Press (AP). 28 September
1996. PM Cycle. Tony Smith. "In Kurdistan, the Victors Launch a
Disarmenent Program." (NEXIS)
APS Diplomat Recorder. 14 September
1996. Vol. 45, No. 11. "Iraq: KDP Moves Towards Sulaymanyieh; Kurds
Flee." (NEXIS)
The Baltimore Sun. 24 September
1996. "Tribal Disputes Distract Kurds." (NEXIS)
Deutsche Presse-Agentur. 11 September
1996. "Barzani's Forces Try to Re-Install Stability in
Suleimanyah." (NEXIS)
The Economist [London]. 10
August 1996. US Edition. "Kurdistan? Which One Do You Mean?"
Extremist Groups. 1996. Jeffrey
Builta. "Iraqi Kurdish Groups." Chicago: Office of the
International Criminal Justice, pp. 653-660.
IRNA [Tehran, in English]. 3 April 1997.
"PUK Radio Says KDP Suppressing Kurds in Arbil Area." (BBC Summary
4 Apr. 1997 (NEXIS))
_____. 22 October 1996. "Iranian Agency
Says KDP Forces Withdraw From Sulaymaniyah Outskirts." (BBC Summary
23 Oct. 1996 (NEXIS))
IRNA [Tehran, in Persian]. 3 December
1996. "PUK Reportedly Repels Attack Near Arbil." (BBC Summary 4
Dec. 1996 (NEXIS))
_____. 12 September 1996. "KDP
Reportedly Executes PUK Members in Penjwin, Sulaymaniyah." (BBC
Summary 13 Sept. 1996 (NEXIS))
The Guardian [Manchester]. 25
May 1994. "Civil War Threathens Kurdish Self-Rule." (NEXIS)
Middle East Economic Digest
(MEED) [London]. 25 October 1996. "Iraq: PUK Marches on Arbil."
Mideast Mirror [London]. 8
February 1995. Vol. 9, No. 27. "KDP and PUK Dispute the Gravity of
Fresh Flare-Up in Iraqi Kurdistan." (NEXIS)
_____. 24 January 1995. Vol. 9, No. 16.
"Three-Day 'Undeclared Truce' in Iraqi Kurdistan." (NEXIS)
The Middle East [London].
November 1996. Mariam Shahin. "After the Sorm." (NEXIS)
_____. December 1996. Chris Kutschera. "
Invoicing the Future." (NEXIS)
Middle East Report
[Washington]. October-December 1996. Isam al-Khafaji. "The
Destruction of Iraqi Kurdistan."
Radio Monte Carlo [Paris, in Arabic]. 19
October 1996. "PUK Official Denies Plans to Withdraw From
Sulaymaniyah." (BBC Summary 21 Oct. 1996 (NEXIS))
Reuters. 24 February 1997. BC Cycle.
"Iraqi Kurd Group Says Arbil Governor in Gun Attack." (BBC Summary
3 Dec. 1996 (NEXIS)).
_____. 3 May 1997. "Iraqi Kurdish Groups
Sign Ceasefire in Iran." (NEXIS)
Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan [Salah al-Din,
in Arabic]. 1 December 1996. "KDP Radio Reports PUK Forces Violate
Cease-Fire in Kurdistan." (BBC Summary 3 Dec. 1996 (NEXIS))