Information on what categories of persons qualify for a special passport, on the rights associated with this passport, and on whether members of the Fundación Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo de los Barrios (FEDEBA) qualify for this passport [ECU15546.E]

According to a representative of the Embassy of Ecuador in Ottawa, a pasaporte especial (special passport) is issued to a person who travels outside Ecuador for a special occasion or event (26 Oct. 1993). For example, a special passport may be issued to a professor of university to attend a conference overseas, to athletes, and to artists (Ibid.). Special passports are also issued to embassy employees who do not hold diplomatic status, such as chauffeurs (Ibid.). No special rights are associated with this kind of passport (Ibid.). A pasaporte oficial (official passport) is issued to government officers (Ibid.). In addition, please find attached a document faxed by the Embassy of Ecuador in Ottawa on the above topic.

Another representative of the Embassy of Ecuador in Ottawa contacted on 22 October 1993 pointed out that, as stated in the Ecuadorian constitution, all the people are equal before the law (Ibid.). The US Department of State's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1992 states that
The Constitution assures the right of all citizens to travel freely throughout the country, to choose their place of residence, and to depart from and return to Ecuador (1993, 393).

Information on whether Ecuadorian authorities at point of exit treat holders of regular and of special passports differently is currently unavailable to the DIRB.

Both representatives were unable to provide information on the Fundación Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo de los Barrios (FEDEBA) (22 Oct. 1993; 26 Oct. 1993). They reported that there are many foundations in Ecuador which are non-governmental in nature (Ibid.).

This response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the DIRB within time constraints. This response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim to refugee status or asylum.


Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1992. 1993. United States Department of State. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office.

Embassy of Ecuador, Ottawa. 26 October 1993. Telephone interview with representative.
. 22 October 1993. Telephone interview with representative.


Embassy of Ecuador, Ottawa. 26 October 1993. Document entitled "Clases de pasaportes que existen en el Ecuador " faxed to the DIRB.